Friday, November 16, 2007


Katie has inspired me to rename my blog. Not sure what to name it yet but any suggestions are welcome. Look for a new name soon. Also I was thinking about leaving blogger, but I am not sure what is another good place to set up my blog. Also I don't want to loose the posts I have here. Is there a way to move what I have? Wow two posts in one day its a post baby record! I must have more time. Remind me of this when I start complaining again!


Anonymous said...

Hey, wordpress is awesome, but a little less computer illiterate friendly, so you'll need Dan's help. Also, Andy moved all my blogger posts to my wordpress blog without any problem, so you don't have to lose anything :o)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I think YOU should use "confessions of a geek lover and mother" he he...I'm just assuming jesse will be a geek too (but a really cute one!) OR some wacky reference to star trek only you and dan will get.

Tricia said...

I agree with Kate about Wordpress. The thing I like about Wordpress is that you can choose to have search engines, such as Google, not be able to find your blog. It's in the privacy section. I have done that for the girls' blog.

And somewhere on your wordpress account, you will be able to import all your posts from your blogger blog. I did that with the girls' blog too. It's really easy.

serina said...

wordpress fan here, too. i highly recommend it.