We did not go trick-or-treating but Jesse as a pumpkin is too cute. Don't have time to write now just wanted to post some pictures. The only bad thing is I can't get rid of his stupid red eye...it is driving me crazy. Picasa doesn't get rid of all of it and my camera setting is no working either...any suggestions?
Jesse the Jack-o-lantern
Baby's first Halloween
His shirt says "Bone to be Wild" HA...look at that smile!
SO CUTE! I love the legs in the air thing! That's the best way to sit! Miss you
Those are SO awesome, he is ADORABLE and I miss you so much, I wish I could be there and give him a million kisses, babies smell sooooo good!
What a cutie! I love the costume. Makes me wish that I dressed the girls up. Maybe next year.
That red eye thing is something that frustrates me too. For some reason, in my experience, babies have the worst red eye in photos. Their red eye usually has some white or lighter shade of red that the red eye editors don't recognize as true red eye, so it will only color over part of it making them look kind of strange, as you have seen already.
I don't have any suggestions for how to change it in the editors. My only suggestion would be, take tons of pictures of the same thing (that's what digital cameras are for, right?). One or two has got to turn out with less red eye or the good kind of red eye that can be fixed. Try different angles. Maybe getting right level with him. Also, try to take more during the day and not using the flash.
GREAT! Did you bribe him with poofs or something to make him smile so much?
Krista said ...
He is SOOOO CUTE! I love the bottom pictures with the "monster" smile!
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