So I changed my blog name. I am still thinking of leaving blogger but don't have time to figure out something else right now. If you don't know I am obsessed with Star Trek. Some of my favorite
TNG and
Voyager episodes are the ones with the
Borg in them so I t00k Katies advice and dorked up my blog name. I love science fiction. I don't know why. It could be because my parents loved it so much or becasue I like to get lost in the imaginary worlds since mine seems so boring sometimes. I think it is cool that they have food
replicators and
transporters on Star Trek. The made up technology is so facinating to me. Confession of a true nerd: On the way to Illinois to visit my grandparents we played that game "I am going to Grandma's house and I'm bringing...." then you go through the entire alphabet and have to remember what everyone says. Well we played the Star Trek version. Instead of going to Grandmas we went to
Vulcan and we thought of something for every letter including the hard ones. Q is for
Q , W is for
Warp drive , X is for
Xindi, Y is for
Yar, Natasha , and Z well Z is for
Zephrim Cockrin the inventor the warp engine of course! The really sad thing is that we played this game like five days ago and I could most likely remember each item for each letter. If you love Star Trek like me, or if you want to learn more about it click on any one of the above links. That is a awesome site yo! Trekies unite!
I LOVE it! You are too funny. Do i get a prize for inspiring the new name? Call you soon.
I love the new look and name!
Yes your prize is you get to move to michigan and live across the street from me...oh wait I can't give you that gift...Andy step up! J/K miss you!
Don't leave blogger's world! PROMISE?! I love hearing how you guys are doing and see new pics of the lil' man! Don't make me get ugly! LOL
Don't leave blogger's world! PROMISE?! I love hearing how you guys are doing and see new pics of the lil' man! Don't make me get ugly! LOL
we think you are a boring borg...you never post...we miss you...
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