Check this out if you need a smile.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
This is my project/Christmas present for Jesse. He didn't have a stocking so Beth gave me this great idea to use his old clothes and make him one. It was actually really hard to cut up his onsies that didn't fit anymore. If any of you new mom's out there decided to do this project be warned you may break down and cry after seeing how small your 6month old child once was. Anyway it turned out pretty good I think it was my first time cutting squares and piecing them together. I know it is not real quilting but it is a start! The top says Jesse I sewed the letters on by hand so it is kinda messy but it's homemade and it looks like a stocking so that is all that matters! I used 3 onsies and 1 baby blanket. Oh and some ribbon for the hook thingy. I just kinda winged it really. I found a stocking pattern online so I would have a rough idea of shape but other than that I didn't have any help. I am sorry if I sound too excited but I was really thinking it would turn out with all the squares misaligned and what not. I think I will do this for any future children we might have. It was a fast project. Well fastish considering Jesse is so clingy these days!

Hanging up

Hanging up
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Trying to Get a Photo of Jesse's First Teeth: A Photographic story

That wasn't quite working so Dan pulled out the big guns. Actually a pretty good shot of the teeth...but did we stop there?? OF COURSE NOT!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Jesse has two new teeth....well not so much new as first ever teeth. They are his front bottom teeth and you can hardly see them but you can feel them and he likes to bite everything. It is in this time I am thankful he is not breastfeeding since he gnaws at his bottle regularly! I will post pictures of his first pearly whites as soon as I can get a picture of them. He is also laughing a lot more and saying voul sounds like mamamamama or babababa. It is really cute! I do however have this aweful back pain from holding him, picking him up sitting on the floor with him etc. It hurts so much but I don't know what to do I can't stop holding my baby. Um I don't know what else to write. Mostly I am writing this now because Katie made me feel guilty for not writing in a while...good job Kate...move a million miles away then make me feel bad! Not much going on right now except that I am in love with my crock pot. It is the worlds best invention! Just stick a bunch of ingredients in the pot turn it on and them at dinner time you have a cool is that! Answer...super cool. Ok well right now I am thinking about how much I would like to be in Gaylord holding baby Sydney. If you haven't seen her go to Lisa's blog and check that girl out. She has more hair than Jesse and he is 6 months old!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Borg

Friday, November 16, 2007
Katie has inspired me to rename my blog. Not sure what to name it yet but any suggestions are welcome. Look for a new name soon. Also I was thinking about leaving blogger, but I am not sure what is another good place to set up my blog. Also I don't want to loose the posts I have here. Is there a way to move what I have? Wow two posts in one day its a post baby record! I must have more time. Remind me of this when I start complaining again!

Friday, November 02, 2007
We did not go trick-or-treating but Jesse as a pumpkin is too cute. Don't have time to write now just wanted to post some pictures. The only bad thing is I can't get rid of his stupid red is driving me crazy. Picasa doesn't get rid of all of it and my camera setting is no working either...any suggestions?
Jesse the Jack-o-lantern
Baby's first Halloween
His shirt says "Bone to be Wild" HA...look at that smile!

Jesse the Jack-o-lantern

Baby's first Halloween

His shirt says "Bone to be Wild" HA...look at that smile!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
On the Farm
We went to this farm out in Oxford last saturday and it was so much fun! It was a youth even so technically we (dan and I) were leaders but we brought Jesse and made it a family outing also. There were all kinds of animals and you could milk a cow...I did not because I am well versed in how lactation works. Anyway I can't wait till Jesse is older and he will remember being there. There is so much for young kids. The best part...feeding the ducks! They all come running up to you and honking it is so funny. Also I am loving Jurassic Park...the book. It is so good. I am staying up too late to read it!
Me and Jesse...isn't his hat cute!
Me, Jesse, and a can milk her if you want...I chose not to.

Me and Jesse...isn't his hat cute!

Me, Jesse, and a can milk her if you want...I chose not to.
Monday, October 22, 2007
October 21, 1980 4:34am

My mother informed me yesterday that,"the day I was born there was frost on the ground!" It was very warm yesterday here for October in Michigan. My dad told me how he broke like 400 ice cream dishes for a banquet they were suposed to go to because my mom called and told him she was in labor! I love to hear about the day I was born. It is fun to think what it was like for my parents all those 27 years ago...I wonder what I will tell Jesse about the day he was born. It will probaly start...well actually it took a week to have you!
Anyway I had a very nice birhtday. We went for chinese favorite and Dan got me a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake from baskin robins...also my favorite. The coolest gift I got you ask...ICE SKATES!!! I can't wait to use them. Dan said he wanted to get them for me last year but considering the giant belly I was sporting all winter I would not have been able to use them. My mom got me a gift cercificate for a massage which is awesome. My brother go me a movie gift we can afford to go to the movies one of my favorite things to do but since when do I want to spend $10 for one ticket? It's times like these I miss the M-89 theater in Plainwell...ahh Plainwell. When we lived in Wayland (the most boring place on earth unless you are a dairy farmer) we used to go see a movie friday and saturday night cause it was so cheap. The downside...the only restaurant in Plainwell is Applebee's...I don't eat there anymore because we went so much back then. (that was a tangent if I ever heard one) Ok, Ok, what else gift cards for clothes a Josh Groban Christmas CD...I LOVE JOSH GROBAN! Oh ,Oh, a super awesome Gryffindor track Jacket I will have to put it on and post a rocks and when the next HP movie comes out I am totally going to be a big nerd and wear it to the movies:) I think thats it anyway it was a nice time but I didn't take any I just posted a cute picture of jesse for you to enjoy!
p.s. sorry for any spelling mistakes my spell check won't work!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Not about the Baby
I wanted to write about something besides Jesse. So I thought what do I do that is not baby related...let me tell you it was hard to come up with something. I do work 3 days a week but only for like 3 hours and it is basically what I did last year...latchkey program. I do work with the older kids so that is awesome....I am just not gifted with kindergartners. But my boss who was also my friend just quit and today will be my first day without her and that is sad. She was a great boss and fun to work with. We still go to church together so I will see her all the time but not at work. So there is work um Star Trek...that is all I do watch Star Trek...I have officially seen every episode of Star Trek Voyager and I am only missing about 4 or 5 episodes of TNG (the next generation for those of you who aren't as dorky as me) I am still working through Deep Space Nine and I refuse to watch the original with Kirk and Spock because it is too lame. 1960's sci-fi is not so cool. We have DVR and I just tape them whenever they are on and watch them when I have time...usually while nursing:) Um what else I did start reading The Magicians Nephew the other day for like the 10th time. I love those books. I can read them over and over again and never get sick of them. I have been reading at night when my boys are sleeping. It is nice...I haven't read in bed since like before I was pregnant! I was always too sleepy or uncomfortable when I was pregnant and since Jesse was born I didn't have time because of exhaustion. So that has been nice. Not every night but when I get to it. I really should read something new but I am not sure what to read. I was thinking about Jurassic Park because I saw the movie the other day and Dan said the book was really good...better than the movie...but what book isn't right? So if anyone has book suggestions that would be cool. I love fantasy and sci-fi...maybe a good biography. Oh and one last thing not baby related...I love the move Stardust. It was seriously the best movie ever! Dan and I saw it a while ago when it was in the theater on our date night. (Date night is awesome I recommend it to all new and old parents...get a babysitter and get out with your spouse!) My favorite movie is The Princess Bride but this movie may have won as my new favorite movie. It's just fantastic and Dan liked it too so you know it is not too girly. Ok I can't think of anything else that isn't about the baby but three things is pretty good I think:) Oh I thought of one more...I have rediscovered my i-pod! I forgot how fun it is to listen to music. I have been trying to walk since it has been unseasonably warm for October so I just put Jesse in the stroller and listen to my i-pod and we're off! Last week we walked to Kroger and bought bread and diapers! Ok well in case you wanted a baby update here is a photo from Jesse's baptism. It was wonderful but we all missed Paul:) Jesse looks a little limp in this picture because he is very tired and about 2 seconds after this picture was taken he started screaming uncontrollably. Oh well.

Monday, September 17, 2007
This past weekend the Marlow family went to Pennsylvania to visit the Roselius family. Jesse had some fun play time with his very first friend Caleb. Caleb was born before Jesse and he was the first baby to meet my baby so that is why he is his first friend:) Some grown up high lights of the weekend....great food Beth cooked up a storm, including zucchini which I normally hate but may have a new taste for...Long walks in the cool being with and laughing with Beth:) The baby high lights I photo graphed:)
Getting ready for our walk....Jesse wearing his first HOODIE!

Chilling on the couch...just a couple of hommies

Jesse telling Caleb how much fun he is having and Caleb being a very intent listener:)
Anyway it was a super fun trip that I wish could have lasted longer and taken less time to make. I now know why my Dad always left for family trips at night when we were all sleeping...less crying, less stopping and lots of quiet.

Getting ready for our walk....Jesse wearing his first HOODIE!

Chilling on the couch...just a couple of hommies

Jesse telling Caleb how much fun he is having and Caleb being a very intent listener:)
Anyway it was a super fun trip that I wish could have lasted longer and taken less time to make. I now know why my Dad always left for family trips at night when we were all sleeping...less crying, less stopping and lots of quiet.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Holding his head up

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Fat Fat Fat
I'm fat. No no don't try to make me feel better cause it won't work...I am definitely fat. There is no cute bump where my baby was there is just this flabby saggy stretch marked skin that doesn't fit into any of my clothes. My maternity pants go up to my boobs and the tops make me look pregnant. Not to mention I would rather wear a sack than put them on again. My old clothes (prepregnancy), I should probably give them to good will cause my butt ain't getting in them...yes I said ain't. What the heck. I can't afford a whole new wardrobe. What am I supposed to do??? I bought some draw string skirts thinking I could mix an match but they have this elastic in them that pushes in to my flabby saggy tummy and it makes em look like I have extra rolls. But when there is no elastic it just looks like I am still 6 months pregnant. My shirts are too tight because I already had the worlds largest breasts but then I got milk...woohoo milk...and now they are a 40F...if you didn't know that is basically the biggest bra size ever on the shortest person it is not good no matter what Dan may think it is uncomfortable and annoying. AND not like they would ever make a nursing bra that actually supports the 3 tons it is holding. UH! Not to mention the super attractive back fat and bigger hips I have accumulated. So basically I wear my western t-shirt and my maternity denim capri's (that are too big) every day. Sometimes I wash them sometimes I don't . I knew my body would be different but when does it get not so freaking ugly??? Needless to say I am miserable in my skin...or fat if you will.
OK now that I have adequately's my beautiful son. At least he's cute. He can lift his head up now and prop himself up on his arms. He won't do it all the time but he can do it. And yesterday he went from this position to his back! He can roll over. But he has only done it in his crib not on the floor. I think he uses the bounciness of the mattress to get himself going. I tried putting him on the floor today to roll over but he just started to cry. I can't believe how fast they grow! He can also keep his head upright when I am holding him up right. He coos and smiles at us when we smile at him. But he still has this clogged tear duct that is grossing me out. He gets this gross build up especially after he has been crying or after he wakes up from a nap. The doc said to massage it but it doesn't seem to be working. I am just sick of wiping his eye. That's all for now.
OK now that I have adequately's my beautiful son. At least he's cute. He can lift his head up now and prop himself up on his arms. He won't do it all the time but he can do it. And yesterday he went from this position to his back! He can roll over. But he has only done it in his crib not on the floor. I think he uses the bounciness of the mattress to get himself going. I tried putting him on the floor today to roll over but he just started to cry. I can't believe how fast they grow! He can also keep his head upright when I am holding him up right. He coos and smiles at us when we smile at him. But he still has this clogged tear duct that is grossing me out. He gets this gross build up especially after he has been crying or after he wakes up from a nap. The doc said to massage it but it doesn't seem to be working. I am just sick of wiping his eye. That's all for now.

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Storing PIctures
So I am wondering how you all out there backup your digital pictures? I now have about a million of Jesse saved on our hard drive but I am afraid if our computer crashes or something else happens I will loose all my pictures. And that is just unacceptable. I was wondering what other people with a million digital pictures do. I would appreciate some help on the subject. We have talked about putting them on a CD or DVD but then I have to keep making new ones every time I take new pictures...I want something more long lasting that will allow me to add pictures as I take them. Anyway here is a picture of Jesse with his "king of the jungle" outfit on....aren't the shorts too cute! They are too big...most of his stuff is still cause he is so long but not very chubby.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Shoes and Pants
Well it is official I have nothing to write about except my baby. He consumes my life and thus consumes my blog. Jesse is 7 weeks old now and is starting to smile and coo. It is the cutest thing ever! He like talks to us when we are changing his diaper. His neck is getting pretty sturdy and he is sleeping better through the night. Which is nice for us cause it means more sleep. I am feeling great. It still hard to go out with him by myself...always easier with an extra set of hand around. Breastfeeding is going much better, but still not the easiest thing in the world to do. I'm still not totally confident in my nursing skills. Frustrations....he has a clogged tear duct or's super gross and goopy. Anyone have suggestions besides wiping with a warm cloth? It is really grossing me out and I am afraid it will get infected. But it seems just goopy for now. No redness in the whites of his that is good. All in all he is becoming a little person with his own personality and it is so cool to watch. I can finally tell he is getting bigger cause he hardly fits laying on my chest anymore! I am already getting sad that he is getting bigger. Now for what you really want...The pictures!
This is Jesse wearing his first pair of shoes! They are cute little blue sandals with embroidered bugs on the bottom. They have no function except to look cute on babies. They were a gift and they are so adorable.
Jesse wearing his first pair of pants...yeah his clothes are finally starting to fit! By the way, baby clothes sizing methods are very inaccurate. These pants are still a bit big and they are 0-3 months! I think part of it is because he is so long and lean. I swear most of his weight is in his head and belly!
This is Jesse wearing his first pair of shoes! They are cute little blue sandals with embroidered bugs on the bottom. They have no function except to look cute on babies. They were a gift and they are so adorable.
Jesse wearing his first pair of pants...yeah his clothes are finally starting to fit! By the way, baby clothes sizing methods are very inaccurate. These pants are still a bit big and they are 0-3 months! I think part of it is because he is so long and lean. I swear most of his weight is in his head and belly!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Jiminy Jesse

My mom thought this picture of Jesse looked like Jiminy Cricket so I found a picture of him and turns out...yup my son looks like Jiminy Cricket. Weird. It made me laugh. Maybe we can dress him up like that for Halloween:) Jesse doesn't smile quite yet (some glimmers) so it is not a perfect match but put a top hat on him and the resemblance is uncanny. Yesterday I took Jesse for his first mall trip. It was very fun. We walked around, ate in the food court and bought him some cute onsies (the essential baby apparel). It was a much better day than the day before. Screaming day, as I like to call it. Although picking up my stroller is equivalent to lifting a small elephant...that thing is monstrous. On the bright side it is really easy to fold down. That's all for now!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
(big sigh) I am so tired. I feel like Jesse will not stop crying! He's driving me crazy. I am home all day by myself and calling Dan does not help because he can't come rushing home to hold the baby, which is all I really need so I can go into another room and have silence. It is silent now...he finally fell asleep. Praise the Lord. I just have this awful headache and the screaming baby is not helping it. That sound is becoming my least favorite in the world. It wouldn't be so bad if I could just figure out what he want but he just seems to want to scream! A LOT. It just started really... I feed him, he screams, I change him, he screams, I hold him, he screams, I "insert any activity", he screams...what is going on! I can't take much more of this. It is better when Dan is home cause I don't feel so alone. It is very scary being the mom and knowing that I am the one who this baby needs most. (For food and comfort and stuff) I am feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility and he is only 4 1/2 weeks old! UH! I just need to vent and writing sometimes helps. I just wish there was someone here like poof whenever I needed them, and they would know exactly what I needed and how to help me and I would be able to sleep and eat. Seriously how am I supposed to eat when the baby won't stop screaming. I suppose I should eat now when he is sleeping but then when do I sleep??? I am going crazy.
On a happier note....Beth and her beautiful son Caleb came to Michigan this past weekend. So we met for Breakfast and our babies had their first play date:) They mostly slept through it but Beth and I had fun holding each others child. Caleb has a little cold and his little baby cough just breaks your heart. I wish they lived was so fun to have a new mom I love Beth:) Here are some pics (this was also the first time we took Jesse out to a restaurant...he did well) The first one is Me & Jesse and Beth & Caleb. The second one is just the boys hanging out:) 
I know everyone says "it gets easier". (taking care of your baby that is) I thought it was getting easier and then suddenly it got really hard all over again. This parent stuff is so difficult. That's not even the right word...I am not sure what the word is. Pray for my sanity...
I know everyone says "it gets easier". (taking care of your baby that is) I thought it was getting easier and then suddenly it got really hard all over again. This parent stuff is so difficult. That's not even the right word...I am not sure what the word is. Pray for my sanity...
Friday, July 06, 2007
I love this thing!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Cutiest Baby Ever
Sleeping with Daddy
Super Cute
Just some pics to enjoy. Do the nights ever get easier??? So far they are miserable. Good thing this babe is so cute or I might pull my hair out. As it is I just cry...all the time. They never told me the hormones are worse after you have the baby! Also I feel like all I do is feed this kid. Advice I wake him up to feed him or wait till he wakes on his own and is hungry? Can't figure out a schedule that works for us both. Pleas say this gets easier...HELP!
Monday, June 18, 2007
MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picture one: right out of the womb being weighed and measured
Picture two: sleeping on Daddy
Picture three: with Aunt Amanda (also his godmother)
Picture four: all swaddled up and no where to go:)
I can't believe how much I love him. Mom's say it but you can't understand till you have one of your own. I am unable to sleep right now because he keeps crying and fussing. The nights are the worst. Not sure what to do. He likes to be held but I can't do that or I won't sleep. I already fed him and he can't keep that darn pacifier in his mouth and when he looses it he is very mad. I am holding him right now while I type. He likes the movement o my arms....weird...I should get a picture of this:) Anyway pray that I get some sleep!
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