Sunday, December 16, 2007


This is my project/Christmas present for Jesse. He didn't have a stocking so Beth gave me this great idea to use his old clothes and make him one. It was actually really hard to cut up his onsies that didn't fit anymore. If any of you new mom's out there decided to do this project be warned you may break down and cry after seeing how small your 6month old child once was. Anyway it turned out pretty good I think it was my first time cutting squares and piecing them together. I know it is not real quilting but it is a start! The top says Jesse I sewed the letters on by hand so it is kinda messy but it's homemade and it looks like a stocking so that is all that matters! I used 3 onsies and 1 baby blanket. Oh and some ribbon for the hook thingy. I just kinda winged it really. I found a stocking pattern online so I would have a rough idea of shape but other than that I didn't have any help. I am sorry if I sound too excited but I was really thinking it would turn out with all the squares misaligned and what not. I think I will do this for any future children we might have. It was a fast project. Well fastish considering Jesse is so clingy these days!

Hanging up

Close up
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Anonymous said...

I LOVE it! I'm so impressed that you figured it out, you'll have to explain it to me more when I see you.

Anonymous said...

cute. i love handmade stockings--and jesse will love it, too!

i've been hoarding wool sweaters for a while, waiting for the right time to felt them and stitch them into stockings. maybe when the kids are in college...

Emily, said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Since we already have Caden's stocking I am trying to think of something else I can make with the (non stained) onesies. :o) I am with you though... I would struggle with the cutting of them- but what a cool result!

Tricia said...

Wow, Andrea. It looks so great! I'm impressed. If Nate's mom wasn't making our girls' stockings, I might consider something like that. Cute!

Amanda said...

It's so cute - you did a super job!

Anonymous said...

I am super impressed. I was just wondering if you used your sewing machine still. I can hardly wait to set it up in the bedroom you guys slept in.
