So about 3 or 4 weeks ago Jesse decided he no longer wanted the wonderfulness of my breast. That is to say he no longer would nurse. He would in the morning and maybe once during the day but that's
about it. Now many of you know I have not had an easy time with breastfeeding but I think I have
persevered and done what I could to make it work. So I just pumped and pumped and pumped. Well as of last week he won't nurse at all. I put him in the position to nurse and he screams. After a week of this I decided my little boy may need to be weaned. Now I know nursing for a year is great and some do longer than that but I just couldn't handle the stress of it all. Plus when I did pump I was getting next to no milk. And let me tell it you it wasn't for lack of trying. So yesterday I decided not to pump at all. (for the past week I have only been pumping twice a day) An low and behold what do I wake up with this morning...soggy pajamas! That hasn't happened in months! Then I tried to nurse Jesse thinking well I am full it will be easy for him to get the milk out. He wanted no part of it, of course, so I proceeded to the
bottle. When he was done with his bottle I sat him up to burp him and what do I find that I am soaking wet,
again! I had leaked through another shirt! So first I make no milk and now I am overflowing with it. This is driving me crazy! But again he won't nurse, so it doesn't really matter how much I leak everywhere if he doesn't want it. Is this normal when you go off breastfeeding? I am just frustrated beyond belief. Please don't give advice that is, "oh just keep breastfeeding...stick it out." I have stuck it out Jesse is done with it, I just want to make sure soreness and leakage is part of weaning. I really wanted to make it to 6 months but my dreams of having the perfect breastfeeding baby were never meant to be. I realized this the day I bought my expensive pump that I have had to use ever day since we brought Jesse home just to keep my milk production up. So I am done with nursing which is very sad. I didn't think I would be so sad considering it has almost been a battle to get him to do it in the first place. But it means he is growing and that special time only we could have is gone. (tear) Oh the plus side he is getting so fun! As evident by this picture, grabbing his feet and sometimes trying to put them in his mouth. Unbelievably cute! He laughs and smiles when he hears my voice. I was reading some of my posts I wrote the first few weeks and I know I was miserable but you were all right...it gets
soooooooooooo much better. Better than I could ever imagine. I never thought I could love anyone this much. He smiles and my day is instantly better. How do they do that? Anyway also wanted to thank all you moms who have encouraged me these past months. I am not saying stop, but the first months are harder than anyone can explain. The second baby is easier...right???