Tuesday, October 30, 2007

On the Farm

We went to this farm out in Oxford last saturday and it was so much fun! It was a youth even so technically we (dan and I) were leaders but we brought Jesse and made it a family outing also. There were all kinds of animals and you could milk a cow...I did not because I am well versed in how lactation works. Anyway I can't wait till Jesse is older and he will remember being there. There is so much for young kids. The best part...feeding the ducks! They all come running up to you and honking it is so funny. Also I am loving Jurassic Park...the book. It is so good. I am staying up too late to read it!

Me and Jesse...isn't his hat cute!

Me, Jesse, and a Cow...you can milk her if you want...I chose not to.
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Lisa Block said...

HOW CUTE! Your son is so cute, the farm animals and his happy looking momma make him look even cuter!

Amanda said...

I love the comment you gave me about not milking the cow because you spend enough time "milking" yourself. Sorry if that's inappropriate, but it made me laugh!