Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Waiting Sucks

First sorry to all of you who I have yet to call back. I am posting this so everyone gets an update and I don't have to tell the same story 5 million times. I will call everyone, it's just taking me some time:)

Went to the doctors yesterday...not much progress. I am now 40% effaced but she didn't say if I was more dilated or not. It looks like I am just going to have to be induced. I go in Monday the 11 the at 6:00pm to the hospital. They are going to put that gel stuff on my cervix and hopefully it will thin out faster, like it is supposed to. Then I spend the night at the hospital waiting for it to work. The next day (June 12) they will check me and if I am all ready they give me the drug, petocin I think, that makes you go into labor...or start contractions. So if the baby doesn't come before June 12 that will be when he is born, I guess. They said it takes a while to work so he may not come right away on the 12th. They also said that sometimes the gel is enough to put you into labor but knowing my stubborn body probably not:) I am just sick of waiting and really wanted my body to do this on it's own. Plus I am scared of a c-section because of the baby's size. Apparently he is going to be like 9-91/2 lbs. Which I know is not 100% accurate and many a women have delivered such gargantuan babies but I am just scared. It doesn't feel like this is happening the way it is supposed to. Also, because of all the grief the doctors gave me about how there "may" be something wrong with him, I am so worried he is going to come out with some weird disease or birth defect. I having a rough time putting faith and trust in God. Which makes me feel awful! I worry all the time anyway and this is even worse. I know don't be anxious. It's just hard. I have control issues people, if you didn't already know...and I have NO control over any of this. Anyway like the title says...waiting sucks.


Anonymous said...

Oooh sweetie, I'm praying for you everyday, multiple times a day for everything surrounding this birth and your beautiful son. It's okay to feel frustrated, I know in your heart that you know God is the one who has formed your son and will bring him out of your womb and into your arms in His time, as empty as that sounds when you're worried, uncomfortable and anxious. i lrrrrrrrv you and can't WAIT to see you and baby M (aka Gimnor).

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all, Andrea. You look beautiful! Remember that, barring rare complications, your body will not make a baby that you can't push out! And ultrasound is not always correct on birth weight prediction.

I know it's so hard to toss fear aside in times like this, but you said it best--you can't change anything right now. Fear causes tension and pain, and will lead you down the road to places you don't want to go. I pray for God's peace to overwhelm you as you look forward to the birth of your son with confidence and anticipation.

Tricia said...

Praying for you and baby and Dan too.

Andrea said...

thanks for all your reassuring words...they really do help!

Emily, said...

I am reading backwards and didn't realize that the doctors were concerned... I am so relieved for you guys. God is GOOD