Monday, June 18, 2007

MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am finally home from the hospital. I have bascially been there for over a week. We went in last Monday to be induced and came home with our bouncing baby boy today. We did sleep at home Tuesday night but other than that we have been at the hospital. What a long and draing labor that inevitably ended up in a c-section! Seriously 23-24 hours of labor and then the doc was like well this baby is posterior so we will have to c-section him out! By that time I didn't even care I just wanted the pain to be over and the baby to be out. Oh yeah and whoever said epidurals are great didn't tell me about the part where it doesn't work for some me. It did not even effect my pain. Well they ended up giving me a spinal tap for my c-section and I was a very happy camper. Anyway here are some pictures of the little guy.

Picture one: right out of the womb being weighed and measured

Picture two: sleeping on Daddy

Picture three: with Aunt Amanda (also his godmother)

Picture four: all swaddled up and no where to go:)

I can't believe how much I love him. Mom's say it but you can't understand till you have one of your own. I am unable to sleep right now because he keeps crying and fussing. The nights are the worst. Not sure what to do. He likes to be held but I can't do that or I won't sleep. I already fed him and he can't keep that darn pacifier in his mouth and when he looses it he is very mad. I am holding him right now while I type. He likes the movement o my arms....weird...I should get a picture of this:) Anyway pray that I get some sleep!

P.S. Babies smell soooooooooooooooooo good! And I love his feet!
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Angie said...

Congratulations!! Your little boy is beautiful! I will pray that you get some sleep...those first few weeks are hard. It will get better! I often took Andrew into bed with me during the day so that I could sleep along with him those first few weeks. I just made sure he did not have any covers near him and the midwife told me that my body heat would keep him warm. That way you can get some sleep but he is near you and feels secure. I still sometimes bring Andrew into my bed toward morning if he wakes up early. You got to do what helps you get sleep in those early days. :)

Lisa Block said...

I can't stop the tears and I am at work...I can't wait to see you, Dan and the baby.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! He's a beautiful baby!

Angie's right--bring him right in bed. The early weeks went two ways with me--with Maya, we put her in a bassinet for six weeks and we were up all the time. After that, and from day one with Ellery, they slept in bed with us. What a difference! Suddenly, we were those enviable, somewhat well-rested parents of newborns that no one believes exists. Even if you don't want to co-sleep long term, naps in the first few months and early mornings in bed are totally worth it.

He's just lovely! And nice and chubby!

Anonymous said...

You have a BEAUTIFUL baby boy. I'm so happy for you all!

Emily, said...

Yeah buddy! Congratulations!!!!!!!! I am sorry that the delivery didn't go as smoothly as you would had hoped but WOW WAS IT WORTH IT!!!!!!!! HE is gorgeous! Can't wait to see you guys (when your life slows down of course. Hugs to you!
Em (Curt and Caden)

Tricia said...

How wonderful that he is here! Congratulations to you and Dan.

I will pray for endurance through these first weeks. It sounds like Jesse just needs you (or Dan, it looks like he snuggles up to Daddy too just fine) to be close. Becca would come to bed with us a lot too in the first few months. You could also try a sling (I have a brand or two I like such as, and I know Serina has about a million slings so she could recommend one or two good ones). Then you could sleep in a chair with him during the day if he won't take naps by himself yet. It will come...don't worry.

So happy for y'all. Congrats and praise God!

Anonymous said...

He is so precious! Congratulations! I know it's hard to hear that it will get easier, and one day you will feel rested (even if it's for only one day), but it will happen. Of course, the first time he sleeps through the night you probably won't. The first time Anna slept through the night, I woke up and then woke Mike up and said, "Honey she's still sleeping." He was annoyed and said, "Then go back to sleep."

If you don't want to share a bed, you may want to try the car seat. Anna slept months 1 thruogh 3 in her car seat. She felt snuggly and safe. We swaddled her up real tight and she slept through the night just fine.

(This does have reprecussions, though. We had to slowly take the incline away from Anna when she started using her crib. First she had a big pillow to sleep on (tucked under a sheet), then a smaller pillow, and eventually no pillow.)

Sorry, didn't mean to write so much. You guys will figure out what's best for you, anyway.

Take care!

Amanda said...

I'm so honored that of all the family/friends pics you could have posted you put mine up there!