Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Home Again Home Agian Jiggity Jig

No I do not have my baby yet. Here is an email that Dan wrote last night to exlplain what happened. For those of you who didn't get was an awful day and a half and I am still pregnant!

Andrea just came in and said, "I feel like we just got home from the worst vacation ever and we have to go back tomorrow."

The induction today did not work. After 18 hours of contractions, Andrea is still only 1cm dilated. We are exhausted (had only 4 hours of sleep) and we just fed Andrea properly (wasn't allowed to eat anything after midnight until 7 tonight). We return tomorrow night to try it all again. If the baby won't come one way, then we go the other way.

Pray for us.


Anonymous said...

Ugh! Sounds very, very taxing. I hope you get some rest and nourishment. Then go on a nice, long walk to get things going.

Your son doesn't want to come out yet, it seems!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys!

Angie said...

I understand just how you are feeling! I had 26 hours of labor with Andrew before I got to 4 centimeters and then had 18 hours of hard labor. Nobody can prepare you for such a long hard process. I am so sorry to hear that you had to go through such a tough time. You will feel wonderful when your baby is born! Hang in there! I am praying for you! Angie

Tricia said...

Continuing to pray for y'all. I've thought of you often in the last 24 hours.

Emily, said...

Just checking in to see if anything has occurred in the baby sitch...we are praying for you.
Em, Curt and Caden