Sunday, June 03, 2007

39 Weeks

What the heck this baby needs to come out! Do you see this gigantic picture of me??? My ankles are swelling to size of small tree trunks and my shins have so much fluid collected in them that you can press on them and leave your finger imprint. Dan calls this phenomenon memory foam legs. I find it to be super gross and am afraid to touch my legs. I had them crossed the other day so one of my heels was resting on my shin and I had a baseball size welt in my leg that took 15 minutes to go away. Ah pregnancy. Anyway I went to the doctor on Thursday and she said I am only 1 centimeter dilated and 20% effaced. She said she doesn't want me to go too far past my due date because of the baby's kidney issues so she scheduled me for induction on June 12 if that is this stubborn little boy doesn't come out before then. I wish he would just show himself already. I have been trying to relax and do things for my self like all you mom's say but it is hard when I am so uncomfortable and am sick of being cooped up at home! I would go out but it has been so hot I would rather be bored and the right temperature at home then out in the heat. Sorry to those of you who have to face the whole summer pregnant! Well now that I have thoroughly ranted (I'm entitled when I am this big) the up side is that there is an end in sight. It's just hard to wait and wait and wait. I am not a very patient person. I did start crocheting a new baby blanket for a friend. I actually am reading a pattern to do it. Amanda has inspired me she made the cutest little green and white sweater with turtle buttons for the baby. I am not up to a sweater yet considering I can't fully read the pattern without a little help but I did start this lovely double shell stitch blanket. I have to think about what I am doing while counting and reading the pattern so it keeps my mind off the baby. I love crocheting! Bye for now!
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Lisa Block said...

Andrea - want me to come visit this week? Maybe the Piggotts or Amanda would let me stay with them do that you can be alone with Dan in case you go into labor - just an idea, say no if you would rather wait till later this month!

Andrea said...

I don't know if it's the best week. It's kinda crazy around here what with my 8 doctors appoints a week, and my brothers graduation stuff and family coming into town. It might be better if you come later. I wish you would have gotten done with school eariler! Last week or the week before would have been great!

Lisa Block said...

I know, work - it gets in the way of life.

Emily, said...

Hey Mama! You are looking great and READY to pop! Praying for you guys as the count down begins. :o)
You are still a hottie!
E. Willy