Wednesday, May 30, 2007

All Spruced Up

Hello out there. Hope you all like the aesthetic changes I made to my blog. This new template thingy on blogger really lets you personalize your format. I highly recommend it. The picture at the top I took while on a Marlow family vacation in Canada last year. Why you may ask am I changing my blog now....well when you have been home from work for almost 3 weeks and have done everything else you could possibly think of for the arrival of your new baby (that hasn't come yet) you "spruce up"....everything. Some things I have done:
  • made curtains for the living room
  • finished my wedding scrapbook (that I started 4 years ago)
  • updated my blog
  • made jewelry for a friends bridal party
  • actually have been caught up on my laundry
  • almost finished crocheting a baby blanket
  • cleaned, cleaned, and cleaned some more

So to those of you mothers out there who know what it's like to wait for the baby to come...have any suggestions of what else I could do to keep my mind off of being sooooooooo pregnant?


Tricia said...

I like your new layout too. Have you thought about doing some baking--muffins, banana bread, etc.---and freezing them for after the baby is born to pull out for snacks. Then again, it might be too hot to bake. :)

Anonymous said...

Good idea tricia! I think you should make ME some curtains...or some jewelry...he he. Love you, can't wait to see you!!

Angie said...

I think you should make sure you are putting your feet up and do something just for you! Remember after your little one is born it's hard to do anything but take care of him for several weeks. Andrew is almost 11 weeks and I am now finding time to watch a movie once in awhile and I have started reading a book again. I do understand your fustration...Andrew was 11 days late! I thought I was going to go crazy I was so tired of waiting! I pray your day comes soon! :)!