Friday, May 25, 2007

38 weeks and 31 weeks

So here are Rebecca and I posing in all our pregnant glory. We had breakfast this morning and I couldn' t pass on a picture opt. We are in the very blue nursery. She doesn't know what the sex of her baby is but I found it quite funny when she rubbed her belly on mine like the babies were able to feel each other:) I am so excited for her. Although it seems that everyone is pregnant these days! I added Baby Block's blog to my tool bar. Check it out if you already haven't. I don't have any pregnanty pics of Lisa yet. Oh yes and my friend Beth Roselius just had her baby (due June 10 born May 23) and he is adorable. Will post picture of baby Caleb ASAP. When is my baby coming!!!!
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1 comment:

Lisa Block said...

Any day now...