Meesch drove all the way from K-zoo!
Here is Jay working on his chalk Detroit Tiger D.
Karen Twirling her hair as usual:)
Heather got me a super sweet kite, frisbee and sidewalk chalk !
This is Peter's Girlfriend Megan. She makes me laugh:)
And last but not least this creepy garden knom (how the heck to you spell that?) Anyway I found it a tad creepy so Heather thought it would be funny to hide it in our bed before she left. Dan and I were in tears...doesn't he kinda look like he is saying, "let's get busy" HA! It was a fun day sorry to those who couldn't be there!
I am so sad we couldn't be there. We were sitting at a Music booster breakfast for 3 hours and then made an appearance at a little league game for some of our church kids. We had to clean up after Amy's party (while she hid in the basement)The rest of the day I did school work while Paul anxiously awaited Sunday Morning. Your party was probably way more fun then all of that...
I'm so jealous, i hate California. Gr.
Sounds like a fun time. I'm not too fond of Texas right now either.
it's g-n-o-m-e
twirling my hair as i write this
My mother would like to know why she is not important enough to make the pictures...she's very hurt, no vacationing in Rochester allowed.
I wish I could have been there too! Silly family weddings taking me away from this fun stuff!
Katie your mom didn't make the cut because I didn't get any pictures of her. I only took like 4 picture at the very end of the party cause I forgot. But let her know that if I get a pic of her I will post it ASAP:) Maybe we can just use her pool:)
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