So this is my poll of who thinks Jay & Karen Piggott should start a blog. I was reading about my friends today and it is just not the same when the Piggotts are not here to share their thoughts/pictures. So lets give them some encouragement and support to start blogs! Also encourage anyone else you think needs to start a blog here! This is Jay and Karen warming up for their short program:)
Friends are the coolest:)
brothers ... Bar-B-Q !
I agree too!
Hi, this is Stephanie you may have known from college... I found yours and Dans blog through Lisa. Just wanted to say hi, and that I also support Jay & Karen needing to update their every thought, whine or popular internet survey of the moment. :)
Hi to you Stephanie,
Thank you to Andrea for this thought and Lisa for agreeing, and stephanie for the support. I do plan on starting one (my own). If Jay wants to post he can, but he can get his own blog. I am just trying to graduate right now and not put another distraction in my life. But blogging will come soon and it will be worth reading. :)
I agree. We need more of the Piggots!
I like how all I wrote was "brothers" and "Bar-B-Q" and it was understood what I meant! I am impressed.
"Just because you're full doesn't mean you should stop eating". A Moo-latte anyone?
You guys are crazy, but I'll vote for yeah for the Piggots starting blogs.
p.s. I miss andrea.
I think we need a vote from "the Professor" before I can tally the votes:)
I throw in a vote for Jay & Karen's blog(s). They're noticeably missing from our little realm of blogdom...
"I think that Mr. and Mrs. Piggott would be doing a grat service to the e-journal community if they started a blog. They have much to contribute by sharing in their daily lives. A hearty two paws up."
- The professor
They have my vote. :)
so where is this blog????
I vote yes on Prop 2. Piggots should blog.
way to spell my name wrong Amanda
its P-I-G-G-O-T-T (2 Ts)
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