Friday, March 07, 2008

Things to Post About When I have More Time

  • My short lived love affair with Starbucks Chai Latte
  • Why I like to watch Dan play Zelda and other such ways my husband has changed me
  • How Jesse is growing and changing
  • Does the teething/cold cycle ever end
  • Why does everyone think texting is so awesome and when will they stop

That's all I can think of right now...but since i know a lot of you go to my blog specifically to see a new picture of Jesse (it's ok I understand he is more interesting than me) here ya go!

Eating a cracker


Lisa said...

I am so with you on the texting. Maybe I'm getting old, but I just don't get the draw.

Angie said...

I understand the teething and cold thing...and it's not stopped for me yet. Andrew is 1 tomorrow! I also must say that it was at 8 1/2 months that Andrew went through a when mommy leaves the room I cry stage. He does not seem to mind anymore. He did keep it up for a month or so and then went through a daddy month. :)