Thursday, March 27, 2008

Missing Jesse

Well it is 1am and I can't sleep. Not sure why I was exhausted at 8pm but now I am wide awake. Jesse is spending the night at Grandma Missy's and I miss him like crazy! I always go in and look at him and give him a kiss before I go to bed and it is really sad when his little crib is so empty. I know I should be "glad for the break" and I get to sleep in tomorrow (not that it matters cause I am up way to late now) but really I like having him around. I miss his little noises and being able to look at him whenever. It's really hard to get to sleep without him here. I feel the same way when Dan is out of town or gets home late. I just can't seem to get to sleep. Anyway I will post pictures later I don't have the new Easter pics on my computer yet. We are going to Gaylord tomorrow! Woo hoo Block family! Well just for fun here is something random that I bet you didn't know about me I like sweet tea...with lots of lemon.


Anonymous said...

I totally understand Andrea. I don't think I will be able to leave Sydney overnight until she goes away to college!

Emily, said...

UGH I totally hear you... We plan date nights or evenings when we are away and it is so bitter sweet. It is nice to have some time with Curt yet I hate missing Caden. Who knew time apart would be so hard. I knew it would be difficult, yet I NEVER UNDERSTOOD it until now. One thing is for sure, we are blessed to be with our boys as much as we are... there are moms out there that see their kids a couple hours out of the day. I don't know how they do that and still stay sane... Just thinking about that makes me tear up...

Anonymous said...

Helloooo? I miss Andrea :o(