Friday, January 25, 2008

Monkey Baby

We have had this monkey snow suit for a while but I haven't put Jesse in it yet. So the other day we decided to try it out. Again I have to say a full night of entertainment just from a simple snow suit! Babies can be so fun sometimes. The only problem...we can't get him in the car seat with the snow suit on! I am not sure how or where he can wear it. Well never the less (is that one word?) it was a very entertaining. We also had to go to Childrens Hospital for a follow up visit about his kidney and everything was great! I am so relieved. They said to come back in 3 years to have another look but everything looks good. I wasn't really worried about it since he is such a healthy happy baby but when the doctors appointment got closer I was getting quite anxious. I am just happy nothing is wrong. Basically for those of you who don't know, Jesse has one kidney that is perfectly healthly and the other one didn't develop properly in the womb. But you only need one kidney so he is good:) That's all for now!


Anonymous said...

Glad things are okay with the kidney!

Jesse looks so cute in his snow suit! We have the same one, only it's a bear instead of a monkey:

Bear w/ Daddy
Bear Closeup

He pretty much hates being outside, hence the face.

Amanda said...

I LOVE the Monkey Baby! He's the cutest thing ever!

Andrea said...

Serina, can you fit Asher in the snow suit in the car seat? If so please tell me how! If not when do you put him in it?

Anonymous said...

Praise God, I knew that appointment was coming up and am so glad to hear that you don't have to go back for 3 years!! (just think, but the time you do, Jesse will be walking, talking, and probably super pissed that he has to go see a doctor...yay!) Hey, only like 9 days until I see you...HURRAY! I have so many reasons to say hurray today :o)

Anonymous said...

He looks so darn cute in that monkey suit. Of course he looks cute all the time to me. it does look a little big which could be part of the problem with putting him in the carseat. Did you try taking the zipper blanket out of the carseat? I love my little monkey grandbaby!!!! I could cuddle with him forever!! Make sure you cuddle alot....boys don't let you do that for very long!!! Love, mamcita

Tricia said...

Too funny!