Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007


This is my project/Christmas present for Jesse. He didn't have a stocking so Beth gave me this great idea to use his old clothes and make him one. It was actually really hard to cut up his onsies that didn't fit anymore. If any of you new mom's out there decided to do this project be warned you may break down and cry after seeing how small your 6month old child once was. Anyway it turned out pretty good I think it was my first time cutting squares and piecing them together. I know it is not real quilting but it is a start! The top says Jesse I sewed the letters on by hand so it is kinda messy but it's homemade and it looks like a stocking so that is all that matters! I used 3 onsies and 1 baby blanket. Oh and some ribbon for the hook thingy. I just kinda winged it really. I found a stocking pattern online so I would have a rough idea of shape but other than that I didn't have any help. I am sorry if I sound too excited but I was really thinking it would turn out with all the squares misaligned and what not. I think I will do this for any future children we might have. It was a fast project. Well fastish considering Jesse is so clingy these days!

Hanging up

Close up
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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Trying to Get a Photo of Jesse's First Teeth: A Photographic story

First I thought one finger holding the lip down and the other taking the picture would suffice.

Then Dan got involoved and he held the lip while I took the picture.

That wasn't quite working so Dan pulled out the big guns. Actually a pretty good shot of the teeth...but did we stop there?? OF COURSE NOT!

The final product which made Dan laugh so hard he scared the baby. By the way as we were trying to pull his lips back he is trying to talk and coo. Ah I never thought I would have so much fun at home on a Saturday night!
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Thursday, December 13, 2007


Jesse has two new teeth....well not so much new as first ever teeth. They are his front bottom teeth and you can hardly see them but you can feel them and he likes to bite everything. It is in this time I am thankful he is not breastfeeding since he gnaws at his bottle regularly! I will post pictures of his first pearly whites as soon as I can get a picture of them. He is also laughing a lot more and saying voul sounds like mamamamama or babababa. It is really cute! I do however have this aweful back pain from holding him, picking him up sitting on the floor with him etc. It hurts so much but I don't know what to do I can't stop holding my baby. Um I don't know what else to write. Mostly I am writing this now because Katie made me feel guilty for not writing in a while...good job Kate...move a million miles away then make me feel bad! Not much going on right now except that I am in love with my crock pot. It is the worlds best invention! Just stick a bunch of ingredients in the pot turn it on and them at dinner time you have a cool is that! Answer...super cool. Ok well right now I am thinking about how much I would like to be in Gaylord holding baby Sydney. If you haven't seen her go to Lisa's blog and check that girl out. She has more hair than Jesse and he is 6 months old!