Monday, October 22, 2007

October 21, 1980 4:34am

My mother informed me yesterday that,"the day I was born there was frost on the ground!" It was very warm yesterday here for October in Michigan. My dad told me how he broke like 400 ice cream dishes for a banquet they were suposed to go to because my mom called and told him she was in labor! I love to hear about the day I was born. It is fun to think what it was like for my parents all those 27 years ago...I wonder what I will tell Jesse about the day he was born. It will probaly start...well actually it took a week to have you!
Anyway I had a very nice birhtday. We went for chinese favorite and Dan got me a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake from baskin robins...also my favorite. The coolest gift I got you ask...ICE SKATES!!! I can't wait to use them. Dan said he wanted to get them for me last year but considering the giant belly I was sporting all winter I would not have been able to use them. My mom got me a gift cercificate for a massage which is awesome. My brother go me a movie gift we can afford to go to the movies one of my favorite things to do but since when do I want to spend $10 for one ticket? It's times like these I miss the M-89 theater in Plainwell...ahh Plainwell. When we lived in Wayland (the most boring place on earth unless you are a dairy farmer) we used to go see a movie friday and saturday night cause it was so cheap. The downside...the only restaurant in Plainwell is Applebee's...I don't eat there anymore because we went so much back then. (that was a tangent if I ever heard one) Ok, Ok, what else gift cards for clothes a Josh Groban Christmas CD...I LOVE JOSH GROBAN! Oh ,Oh, a super awesome Gryffindor track Jacket I will have to put it on and post a rocks and when the next HP movie comes out I am totally going to be a big nerd and wear it to the movies:) I think thats it anyway it was a nice time but I didn't take any I just posted a cute picture of jesse for you to enjoy!
p.s. sorry for any spelling mistakes my spell check won't work!


Anonymous said...

I am a terrible friend, I can't believe I didn't call you, I'm calling you tomorrow, I'm a moron, happy birthday!

Tricia said...

Andrea--your post made me laugh! I can just hear you saying all those things. :)

Happy Birthday. Sounds like you had a wonderful one and got some great gifts.

Lisa Block said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I would have been happy with just the mint chocolate chip ice cream (can you tell I am pregnant?) but it sounds like you had a great day. I thought of you and sent up some prayers.

Emily, said...


PS I am totally coveting your coat!