Monday, October 08, 2007

Not about the Baby

I wanted to write about something besides Jesse. So I thought what do I do that is not baby related...let me tell you it was hard to come up with something. I do work 3 days a week but only for like 3 hours and it is basically what I did last year...latchkey program. I do work with the older kids so that is awesome....I am just not gifted with kindergartners. But my boss who was also my friend just quit and today will be my first day without her and that is sad. She was a great boss and fun to work with. We still go to church together so I will see her all the time but not at work. So there is work um Star Trek...that is all I do watch Star Trek...I have officially seen every episode of Star Trek Voyager and I am only missing about 4 or 5 episodes of TNG (the next generation for those of you who aren't as dorky as me) I am still working through Deep Space Nine and I refuse to watch the original with Kirk and Spock because it is too lame. 1960's sci-fi is not so cool. We have DVR and I just tape them whenever they are on and watch them when I have time...usually while nursing:) Um what else I did start reading The Magicians Nephew the other day for like the 10th time. I love those books. I can read them over and over again and never get sick of them. I have been reading at night when my boys are sleeping. It is nice...I haven't read in bed since like before I was pregnant! I was always too sleepy or uncomfortable when I was pregnant and since Jesse was born I didn't have time because of exhaustion. So that has been nice. Not every night but when I get to it. I really should read something new but I am not sure what to read. I was thinking about Jurassic Park because I saw the movie the other day and Dan said the book was really good...better than the movie...but what book isn't right? So if anyone has book suggestions that would be cool. I love fantasy and sci-fi...maybe a good biography. Oh and one last thing not baby related...I love the move Stardust. It was seriously the best movie ever! Dan and I saw it a while ago when it was in the theater on our date night. (Date night is awesome I recommend it to all new and old parents...get a babysitter and get out with your spouse!) My favorite movie is The Princess Bride but this movie may have won as my new favorite movie. It's just fantastic and Dan liked it too so you know it is not too girly. Ok I can't think of anything else that isn't about the baby but three things is pretty good I think:) Oh I thought of one more...I have rediscovered my i-pod! I forgot how fun it is to listen to music. I have been trying to walk since it has been unseasonably warm for October so I just put Jesse in the stroller and listen to my i-pod and we're off! Last week we walked to Kroger and bought bread and diapers! Ok well in case you wanted a baby update here is a photo from Jesse's baptism. It was wonderful but we all missed Paul:) Jesse looks a little limp in this picture because he is very tired and about 2 seconds after this picture was taken he started screaming uncontrollably. Oh well.
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Lisa Block said...

Yeah Fun post! Try Jurassic Park, it is a suspensful read and Michael Crichton is one of my favorite contemporary authors - for that reason I recomend Sphere also - another book by him that is sci-fi and suspensful. Dan recomended that Andromita strain by him as well and I have read that too - interesting and twisty. They are always great reads - the guys is rather brilliant - and you may not want to put them down.

We loved stardust too. We went to see it for a date for Pauls birthday and it was really a great movie!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Stardust! I totally love even more that you compared it to Princess Bride, I did the exact same thing!! You look so good in that picture Andrea, what a hot mama :o) Miss you!

Angie said...

I am glad to hear that you get to go on date nights. I have not really found a babysister for Andrew but we are working toward that goal of finding one and having a date night before long. Also, I love to go for walks and listen to my MP3 player. It's time to myself. Glad to hear that all is going well. Andrew is also keeping his blue eyes. I love them!

Emily, said...

You guys look fantastic!

Lisa said...

I love this series by Jeanne DuPrau. They're children's chapter books, so you can read them really fast, but they're fun books. Their called the Books of Ember. The first one is The City of Ember, then The People of Sparks, then The Prophet of Yonwood. They tell about a city that was built underground to keep human civilization alive after nuclear warfare, and the author delves a lot into the nature of people in a crisis. I'm not making them sound very cool, but they are. I don't usually have time for adult books, but I do like historical fiction novels by James Alexander Thom. I just have to skim through when he goes into long descriptions of battles. Oh, and Ted Dekker's a Christian author who writes excellent books. I'm usually hooked into them and unable to step away from them until I'm done. Some of my favorites are Three and The Circle Trilogy (Black, Red, and White). Happy reading!

Tricia said...

It looks like you're doing pretty well--even having a date night. That's better than us. :) We're working on that one.

I think I might have to add Stardust to our Netflix for when it comes out. I've heard so many people say that they liked it.

Anonymous said...

I have some sci-fi related suggestions for you!

1.Battlestar Galactica
You can rent the new tv series on netflix or blockbuster. It's not cheesy at all and has a really cool story. Some of the actors have shown up on Bionic Woman but I don't think that show is very good.

2. The book stardust by Neil Gaiman is wonderful. I also liked the movie. For a similar type book and fantasy story, try "Enchantment" by Orson Scott Card.

3. Stephenie Meyer's books "Twilight," "New Moon" and "Eclipse." Any book store has Eclipse everwhere. It's young adult fiction but I am definitely not the only adult reading it. The dedication from fans to these books is second only to Harry Potter - I saw it first hand at Meyer's book signing. Teenage girl PANDEMONIUM. The story is a high school age girl who encounters a family of vampires; it's more relational than scary.

Your Jesse is adorable! Almost makes me want a baby, but not quite yet....

- Stephanie (from WMU - I always feel the need to say that)