Monday, September 17, 2007


This past weekend the Marlow family went to Pennsylvania to visit the Roselius family. Jesse had some fun play time with his very first friend Caleb. Caleb was born before Jesse and he was the first baby to meet my baby so that is why he is his first friend:) Some grown up high lights of the weekend....great food Beth cooked up a storm, including zucchini which I normally hate but may have a new taste for...Long walks in the cool being with and laughing with Beth:) The baby high lights I photo graphed:)

Getting ready for our walk....Jesse wearing his first HOODIE!

Chilling on the couch...just a couple of hommies

Jesse telling Caleb how much fun he is having and Caleb being a very intent listener:)

Anyway it was a super fun trip that I wish could have lasted longer and taken less time to make. I now know why my Dad always left for family trips at night when we were all sleeping...less crying, less stopping and lots of quiet.
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Anonymous said...

Such cute pictures!

And you know, next time you do this, you have to give us a holler. We'll drive up for a quick visit--I still haven't met either of your babies!

Andrea said...

I know we thought of that like the day we left for home....sorry!

Anonymous said...

Is it bad that I am SO jealous of Beth and every other person who gets to hang out with you? I miss you.

Anonymous said...

hey whiney mcwhinerson, i've posted like 4 times since your "you never blog"...where are YOU? he he...miss you!

Emily, said...

So when are we going to plan our "new friend" encounter? Our boys HAVE to meet sometime!