Saturday, August 11, 2007

Storing PIctures

So I am wondering how you all out there backup your digital pictures? I now have about a million of Jesse saved on our hard drive but I am afraid if our computer crashes or something else happens I will loose all my pictures. And that is just unacceptable. I was wondering what other people with a million digital pictures do. I would appreciate some help on the subject. We have talked about putting them on a CD or DVD but then I have to keep making new ones every time I take new pictures...I want something more long lasting that will allow me to add pictures as I take them. Anyway here is a picture of Jesse with his "king of the jungle" outfit on....aren't the shorts too cute! They are too big...most of his stuff is still cause he is so long but not very chubby.

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Anonymous said...

He is SO CUTE! I love your baby :o) Andy bought an external hard drive to back our stuff up, it worked great for all of his important school stuff. He just plugs it in and adds and deletes things as he needs.

Lisa Block said...

One of the joys in my day is when you post a new picture of Jesse. I love how he peers at the camera - he seems like such a serious little soul! He is very cute!

Great Question about the back-up, I have similar thoughts...

Anonymous said...

He looks very dashing in his "King of the Jungle" outfit.

You could always use an external hard drive to store your umpteen million pictures of your adorable son.

Andrea said...

Hey katie how much was the external hard drive? Or how much do they usually run?

Anonymous said...

Andy's was about $70, but they can be a lot more expensive too. Andy got it at Best Buy.

Anonymous said...

Do they last in a fire box? I'm worried about saving the photos in case of (God forbid) a disaster.


Anonymous said...

You can always print them out and put them in photo albums. Actually, print two sets, that way you can store a set at one of your parents house (in case...). We have been burning to CD-RWs, just because they are so cheap. You can fit a lot of pictures on one disc, and keep updating as you go... I like the idea of the external hard drive, too.

Anonymous said...

Andys hard drive has a hard case, looks fire proof to me. Although, you could just keep it in a fire case...Dan, why am i telling you this? Talk to my husband dude.

Emily, said...

Jesse looks a lot like you Derge! Curt and I were very nervous of the same thing so we printed the ones we wanted for books, and saved the rest to CD's. Now I still have them on my computer as well as my ipod... for those times I need to see him and he isn't around. :o) Funny how that works! Hope this works

Anonymous said...

WE LOVE IT!!!!!!

Emily, said...

I do think you have a cutie pa-tutie on your hands... consider yourself, warned. :o)