Sunday, August 05, 2007

Shoes and Pants

Well it is official I have nothing to write about except my baby. He consumes my life and thus consumes my blog. Jesse is 7 weeks old now and is starting to smile and coo. It is the cutest thing ever! He like talks to us when we are changing his diaper. His neck is getting pretty sturdy and he is sleeping better through the night. Which is nice for us cause it means more sleep. I am feeling great. It still hard to go out with him by myself...always easier with an extra set of hand around. Breastfeeding is going much better, but still not the easiest thing in the world to do. I'm still not totally confident in my nursing skills. Frustrations....he has a clogged tear duct or's super gross and goopy. Anyone have suggestions besides wiping with a warm cloth? It is really grossing me out and I am afraid it will get infected. But it seems just goopy for now. No redness in the whites of his that is good. All in all he is becoming a little person with his own personality and it is so cool to watch. I can finally tell he is getting bigger cause he hardly fits laying on my chest anymore! I am already getting sad that he is getting bigger. Now for what you really want...The pictures!

This is Jesse wearing his first pair of shoes! They are cute little blue sandals with embroidered bugs on the bottom. They have no function except to look cute on babies. They were a gift and they are so adorable.

Jesse wearing his first pair of pants...yeah his clothes are finally starting to fit! By the way, baby clothes sizing methods are very inaccurate. These pants are still a bit big and they are 0-3 months! I think part of it is because he is so long and lean. I swear most of his weight is in his head and belly!
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Anonymous said...

He's just darling. I'm glad the sleeping and breastfeeding are going better...and I'm hoping it continues on an upward trend! Good job, mom.

Lisa Block said...

HA! I love the picture of him sitting up! He looks SO old. The next time I see him he will probably be talking to Dan about computer programs and stuff.

Anonymous said...

Ha, he's so cute, he looks like a little bird!! I love that you have him propped up and he looks like he's thinking "what the heck mom!" Miss you :o(

Emily, said...

SERIOUSLY.... HE IS SOOOO CUTE! Keep those pictures coming!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, babies are supposed to be all head, besides, how else would he hold in all those big brains?? (saying a prayer for Jesse as he goes for his shots!)