Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Holding his head up

I am now able to face Jesse forward in my sling. It is very exciting becasue that means he has better neck control. He also love this position because he can see everything. And let me tell you this kids likes to look at everything! He is so alert! He has trouble doing anything like eat or get his diaper changed because he is too busy looking around. Anyway don't have time now to write more than this but isn't he cute!
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Lisa Block said...

This is totally a cute picture! Who knew that there would be a time in life where we would be so excited about neck muscles?

Angie said...

Andrew has always enjoyed being able to see what is going on. We ride the bus a lot and he is always "flirting" with anyone who will pay attention to him. It's really cute! I am sure whenever you take Jesse out he will get lots of attention!

Amanda said...

I love the look on Jesse's face in this picture. He's like "what's up? I'm chillin".

Anonymous said...

He looks so much like you in the bonnet picture, what a cutie. Send me some pics dude.