Thursday, August 23, 2007

Fat Fat Fat

I'm fat. No no don't try to make me feel better cause it won't work...I am definitely fat. There is no cute bump where my baby was there is just this flabby saggy stretch marked skin that doesn't fit into any of my clothes. My maternity pants go up to my boobs and the tops make me look pregnant. Not to mention I would rather wear a sack than put them on again. My old clothes (prepregnancy), I should probably give them to good will cause my butt ain't getting in them...yes I said ain't. What the heck. I can't afford a whole new wardrobe. What am I supposed to do??? I bought some draw string skirts thinking I could mix an match but they have this elastic in them that pushes in to my flabby saggy tummy and it makes em look like I have extra rolls. But when there is no elastic it just looks like I am still 6 months pregnant. My shirts are too tight because I already had the worlds largest breasts but then I got milk...woohoo milk...and now they are a 40F...if you didn't know that is basically the biggest bra size ever on the shortest person it is not good no matter what Dan may think it is uncomfortable and annoying. AND not like they would ever make a nursing bra that actually supports the 3 tons it is holding. UH! Not to mention the super attractive back fat and bigger hips I have accumulated. So basically I wear my western t-shirt and my maternity denim capri's (that are too big) every day. Sometimes I wash them sometimes I don't . I knew my body would be different but when does it get not so freaking ugly??? Needless to say I am miserable in my skin...or fat if you will.

OK now that I have adequately's my beautiful son. At least he's cute. He can lift his head up now and prop himself up on his arms. He won't do it all the time but he can do it. And yesterday he went from this position to his back! He can roll over. But he has only done it in his crib not on the floor. I think he uses the bounciness of the mattress to get himself going. I tried putting him on the floor today to roll over but he just started to cry. I can't believe how fast they grow! He can also keep his head upright when I am holding him up right. He coos and smiles at us when we smile at him. But he still has this clogged tear duct that is grossing me out. He gets this gross build up especially after he has been crying or after he wakes up from a nap. The doc said to massage it but it doesn't seem to be working. I am just sick of wiping his eye. That's all for now.

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Emily, said...

You will get your body back. I know it is frustrating but it WILL get better! Hang in there and know you are beautiful! In fact, I THINK YOU'RE HOT!

Andrea said...

I don't believe my body will come back so quickly. When I was pregnant I was diligent about working out 3 times a week and my body craved "good food". Fruits veggies and what that the baby is out I am exhausted and crave carbs carbs and deepfried carbs.

Anonymous said...

It takes a while sometimes. I always remember looking at my body a few months post partum and thinking, "Why don't I look right?" Although my body never went back to pre-pregnancy proportions, it always settled down within 9 months to a year. Not what you want to hear, but that's the easy way--I never worked hard at it, except for nursing around the clock, and that's how it went. Others get their bodies back earlier by working harder. I was too lazy and wrapped up in my babies.

With Maya, my weight was back to pre-pregnancy within six weeks, but my body was still different. Then, nursing always put pounds on me (others lose weight, I gain).

I know how it feels. I usually get around to shaping up and losing weight right before I get pregnant again. I'm happy to share my body with my babies now, but I look forward to getting back in shape in the future. It's just a stage of extra-curviness that takes a bit of getting used to.

Lisa said...

Andrea, I have to say that you are one of the funniest people I know! Even when you post something negative, you still have me cracking up. I was laughing out loud when I read about your bra size and the unsupportive nature of nursing bras. Sorry that I have no input on the losing baby weight, but I just had to tell you how funny you are!

Angie said...

I understand your fustration. It was when Andrew was about 6 weeks old that I wanted to get into my old clothes and there was no way it was going to happen. I have lost about 10-12 pounds but I am still about 8-10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I am hoping to be down a least another 5 pounds or so by Christmas. A couple of little things I have done is walk as much as I can. Andrew loves going for walks! Also, I got a work out video that I do with baby. Andrew loves it and it keeps us both intertained for an hour. It includes baby yoga and massage. Andrew loves the yoga not the massage! Also, to help me eat better...John often will make me a fruit smoothie in the morning. We just use low fat yogart,fruit and a little prot. powder. Also, as we make Andrew baby food we are going to try some new fruit and veg. A wise person told me that it takes nine/ten months to put the weight on give yourself 9/10 months for the weight to come off. I do understand the fustration!

Anonymous said...

Andrea - It does take time, and I know that is extrememly fustrating, especially when dealing with a clothing shortage. (I've been there -- actually, still sort of there.)

I was fortunate to have my weight back to pre-pregnancy within six weeks (thank you breast-feeding), but I still haven't been able to recover my shape, and my pre-pregnancy clothes still don't fit quite right. Now it's 10+ months later and I haven't been able to lose anymore. I know, though, that I'm going to have to get serious, because my metabolism just isn't the same as it was before.

I still find myself "borrowing" extra time in my old clothes by using the rubber band technique (with my jeans/shorts with buttons) or with a large safety pin (dressier pants). I'm always self-conscience that my shirt will hike up and someone will see that I can't fit in my clothes. Oh well, I can't afford a whole new wardrobe.

In the beginning if there was a special event out of the house, I would wear an elastic body shaper (you can get a cheap one from target for about $15 - cheaper than a new wardrobe), that way I could wear my pre-baby clothes. It was uncomfortable, but it did make me feel a little better when in public.

Luckily, I have a husband that gained a lot of weight with me during the pregnancy, and he's finally motivated to do something about it. Now we're giong to tackle this "weight/ shape" thing together. Having support always helps!

I just wanted to share so you know you're not alone. And I'm sure Dan thinks you're more beautiful than ever (even if you don't).


PS - Jesse is really cute!!!