Friday, July 06, 2007

I love this thing!

This is the coolest baby product I have ever received! Serina recommended it but my sweet friend Katie bought it for me. So thanks to you both! It's called an adjustable fleece Kangaroo Pouch...and I am in love with it. Jesse loves to be in it! In fact he is in it right now as I am writing this, sleeping soundly. We had to go to Children's Hospital yesterday to follow up on his kidney problem and I carried him around in this thing all over it was great! It is soooooooooo comfortable and I have the use of BOTH of my hands...for you mom's you know how wonderful that can be! Anyway I have nothing but great things to say about this thing. I want to buy like 4 more! Although I haven't quite figured out how to get the baby in and out of the pouch without some help from another person. Suggestions welcome. I tried making the pouch bigger but then it feels too loose when the baby is inside. I don't know if you know how to do this. I am all for help. Today it is my goal to find out how many things I can do while wearing my far...I can brush my teeth, eat, blog, and sort of put my hair in a pony tail (that one was a bit harder than the others). Oh yeah I can go get the mail from the mailbox too! Did I mention how awesome this thing is!!!!!!!! Forget registering at Babies R Us all you need is a Kangaroo Pouch! Thank you Katie and Serina!!!!!
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Anonymous said...

You two look great! Keep that pouch nice and snug, and baby nice and high. You get the best weight distribution and comfort that way.

I wish I was there to show you how to toss your baby in with no help. Have you seen this instruction page?

KKAFP Tummy to Tummy Instructions

That's pretty much what I do. Put the pouch on, line up the seam in front or under left boobline (sorry if TMI, but that's where I usually center it), put baby in high burp position over my left shoulder, frog the baby's legs up, and slide baby into the pocket. They love being squished up like that.

If you're wearing the sling snug enough, you'll need to pull and tug that fleece to make a nice pouch before sliding the baby in. The fleece is extremely durable and stretchy, so don't be afraid to really tug at it.

Glad it's working for you! It was totally a lifesaver for me with my first baby. I've probably referred dozens of pouch sales over the years--I should get a commission!

Emily, said...

Glad to hear that you have found the sling! Got to love resources that allow you to both be a comforting mom and still get things done around the house. Everyone wins! :o) You look great!

Lisa Block said...

Wow! You have convinced me as to which sling to get!

Anonymous said...

I love the new picture, he looks so old!!!

Tricia said...

I think he looks a lot like you, Andrea. Is that what a lot of people are saying, or am I just seeing things? I like the new pic. He's a cutie.

Hope the pouch is still working for you.