Sunday, April 29, 2007


Just wanted to share picture of this cute cradle my mom and aunt got me for my shower. I just put the new linens in it and I love how it turned out! It is in our bedroom next to my bed and I can't wait to put my little bundle of joy in there! This last 6 weeks is going to be torture! I feel huge and uncomfortable and I am just ready to meet my baby! Oh yes and at my last ultrasound they said the baby was 6 pounds already with 6 weeks left to go...what does that mean for me you ask? ONE FREAKING HUGE BABY! Please pray that my body is internally set up to deliver naturally.
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Look How I've Grown!

THEN (week 9) and

NOW (week 33)

So I have in fact gotten huge as you can see! I think it is funny how different I look. In the first picture I am actually SKINNY! Which is a word I would never use to describe myself. Here is a list of 10 things I have lost since being pregnant and want back ASAP , Oh yes and they all get worse the more pregnant you are...

1. My lap...I can't put anthing in my lap because it has dissapeared. Which is quite difficult during sunday school when I have to read my bible and a work book thingy.

2. My granted this has been slowing leaving me for months now but when I get up to go to the bathroom and then less than 5 minutes later I ask Dan if I went to the bathroom, that's a problem.

3. My ability to sleep through the night... with hip pain and getting up to go to the bathroom you would think I am a 90 year old woman!

4. My ability to hold my bladder for more than 15 minutes....I seriously had to pee before during and after church service today, that's no right!

5. My vocabulary...yep it's true I cannot for the life of me think of the right word to say when I am talking. Dan thinks it is funny...but I feel like I am loosing my mind!

6. My lung capacity...One should not tire easily and be out of breath from walking to a car and putting a seat belt on.

7. My ability to bend over....lets just say there is a lot of grunting and growning if this is attempted at anytime.

8 Being able to stay up past 10pm...I want to watch law and order for goodness sake!

9. Cuddling with my it is still possible but usually when I get comfortable my unborn son decides that he is not and proceeds to kick me repeatedly until I change positions which is usually uncomfortable for me or Dan.

10. Maintaining a comfortable body temperature....I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm hot, I'm cold....WHAT THE HECK!

All in all I have had a pretty easy pregnancy (pshyically...emotionally it has been a nightmere) so I can't complain too much. I think I am just ready for our baby to be here. Well I wouldn't say ready. More like excited, terrified, anticipaiting, anxiously awaiting. Who can really be ready right?
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Monday, April 02, 2007

Baby Shower

Well I had a baby shower on Saturday. Is that a crazy event or what! It was bigger than any of my bridal showers so it was a bit overwhelming but really fun. Our nursery is filled with presents you can hardly tell it is a room anymore! I feel like we need a new house because of all the stuff you aquire with a new baby! This "diaper cake" was a pretty cool gift. Aunt Barb made it and another one made of baby blankets and other baby wear. Here's me with my blond girls looking huge! I still have 10 weeks to go I am just going to be a blimp! Anway that's an update I supose. It is getting really hard to bend over and stand for any length of time. Being pregnant is not as glamourous as people think! Everyday tasks take the wind out of me. I am getting a bit scared about the whole labor process and that when it is over we will have a new life to take care of. It didn't seem so real till these last few weeks! We are attending birth classes starting this week and a breast feeding class. So that should be fun/interesting/informative:) Hope all the other prego's out there are doing well! There were like 4 or 5 women at my shower who were seems to be contageous lately!
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