Monday, January 08, 2007


So here I am being super cold like I always am these days. Whoever said pregant people are always hot are full of it. Anyway the real reason for this post is that we went to Ikea and got some cool things. A china cabinet and some DVD towers. That place is cool but super busy. It is not so much fun to go on a saturday when it is basically like an amusment park! Anway Dan put together these things and it is so nice to have out the china/crystal we have had packed away since Wayland.

(p.s. don't forget to check out Dan's guns in the tower pic.....he's been working out can you tell?)

The China Cabinet

The new towers....the tall ones are new.

Anway our house is really shaping up now if I can only get going on the baby's room! First we have to get rid of the furniture that's in there! Ok well not much else going on. For those of you who care I have an ultrasound on Thursday and i have been having growing pains which no one warned me about and they are not so fun. Plus I don't even get the bonus of puberty growing pains where you get to get taller no I just get fatter! Oh well at least I get a baby out of it:) Later dudes....
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Amanda said...

I like the new china cabinet - looks great! Can't wait to hear about the ultrasound!

Anonymous said...

ooooh, the u/s!!!! I'm so excited, you better call me, I'll have my phone with me all day.

Anonymous said...

I told everybody D's guns were getting bigger a couple months ago, but no one believed. What a stud. Anyways, there might be room left in that storage facility that I have for my stuff. At least you might be able to put a little bit of that stuff in there. I haven't been there so I don't know how big it is.

Can't wait for the grand unveiling of the gender! Later

Lisa Block said...

Awesome cabinet - Dan did a great job putting it together. So what are you going to do with all the space that you now have open? I can't wait to know what you are having! I just talked to Amanda and I wouldn't let her tell me because I want to hear it from you!

Tricia said...

We love IKEA too.

Nice mus-cles, Dan. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice cabinet! Fellow IKEA fans here. Our kitchen is an IKEA show house.

So, for the rest of us who won't get personal phone calls, care to reveal the gender? Please?

Paul said...

Dan has sexy guns!!!! He's hot