Sunday, November 05, 2006

Name Contest

Here is the picture of us girls that Lisa wanted me to post of Amada's "angry" eye:) Not sure what she is doing the rest of us were pretending to be sad but Amanda the rebel that she is (she does have 2 tatoo's) decided to go angry. She makes me smile

Anyway.... Back to the real reason I am writing...
So a lot of people have been asking us if we have any names that we like for the baby. We haven't really thought about too much yet. There are maybe 2 or 3 that aren't bad but we thought it would be fun to get your opinion. So this is a baby name contest. There is no guaranty that we will pick a name from this list because ultimately we have the last say but I have to start somewhere. So here are the rules..

1. If you are posting a girl name it has to go with the middle name Mary. (I am fond of it considering it is my middle name my mother's name and my grandmother's name)

2. No names that start with "M". I will not have a Mable or Mike Marlow. Too much alliteration.

3. Do not post a name that you want to name your child. What if we like it? Then you'll have to ask us not to use it and then we won't because we love it.

Other than that you can give first or middle names for boys or girls. I was going to buy a baby book or look online but this seemed more fun....Thanks to Lisa for the idea!

Oh yeah the winner gets bragging rights that they helped name the baby:)


Anonymous said...

That's so cool! Okay, being crazy like I am I have a word document with lists of boy and girl names I like or just don't hate. I'll share some of those with you!!

Noah, Parker, Calvin, Nathanael, Owen, Zachary, Andrew (called Drew)

Stella, Hannah, Charlotte, Anna, Grace, Jolie, Sienna

I don't care if you choose one I end up choosing later, that would just another reason why our kids will be best friends. Oh, and I'm adding a rule: no making fun of other people's name ideas...I know some of mine are odd. I tried only sharing ones that sound okay Marlow.

Paul said...

You don't like Mable Mary Marlow...what is wrong with you? That is the best name ever...ever

Anonymous said...


I have names, I just had to comment on that because it made me laugh to loud!

Tricia said...

I'll probably comment more because I love talking about baby names, but when you mentioned Mary, I wondered if maybe you could use it for a first name instead of a middle name:

Mary Elizabeth Marlow
Mary Eliza Marlow
Mary Katherine Marlow
Mary Grace Marlow
Mary Jane Marlow get the picture

Boy's names:

Benjamin, Matthew, Luke/Lucas...I'm out of ideas at the moment, it's too late.

Andrea said...

Tricia,I guess I could do Mary as a first name but it seems so blah to me. I mean plain that's all. But is kinda nice when you say the whole name...I like Mary Grace...I don't know if Dan likes that as a first name.

Katie, your names are kinda odd...I like some of them but I am sure Dan would veto over half:) I miss you!

serina said...

I love Mary as a first name. It's so classic and beautiful. And it's now unique--not many babies are getting named Mary nowadays. You can afford to pick a really unusual middle name, if you want, because she won't actually be called it, so Dan has less veto power. At least that's my theory.

I'm going to second these girl names from Kate:

I have the worst time finding boys' names that I like, so I'm not sharing any of mine there. There are only 2-3 on the list, and I may need them someday.

And I'm going to refrain from suggesting anything original, because my name choices are even more "unique" than Kate's. But if I come across one that suits your little Marlow, I'll come back and post away.

When I was pregnant, I loved going to sit in the cafe at Barnes and Noble and flip through a stack of name books. My favorites were the ethnic specific ones--one book had a chapter for each ethnicity, and I came across a lot of great names I'd never have considered otherwise. Plus, I got to load up on decaf caramel macchiatos.

Anonymous said...

I understand Andrea...Andy is often vetoing my names also, but only my boy names. Apparently odd girl names is acceptable, but boys must be named things like John, and not "crazy" names like Noah! :o)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I have to go on record as saying this no matter what happens cause then at least my niece will know I fought for her...Stella??? Are we kidding?? Has anyone seen A Street Car Named Desire? Or seen someone mock that line from it? It's indelible in every American's mind. It isn't going away.

She will be mocked mercilessly her entire life. Oh sure, there will be that one nice, but slightly smelly, girl who will say, "Oh, I like the name. Don't listen to them." But everyone knows she isn't the girl you want to be listening to. The others sound decent just nothing for a boy that makes them sound sissy. But whatever.

By the way, Gavin is still up for grabs if you want it. And I agree with Paul, how could you not like Mable Mary Marlow? haha. Whenever I say Mable I think of Maple syrup.

Anonymous said...

Just in case my last post (which was long) really didn't make it, I will give you the idea of what I wrote:

Alivia, Olivia
Mary (it is so cute Andrea!)
Madeline (maddy)

Benjamin (Ben)

Anonymous said...

P.S. I am not making fun of your names Kate! I for one LOVE the name Owen (it is Paul's and my #1 pick for a boy) and if any of you have known a stella...the one that I knew could hold her own, Stella is not a whimpy name, that is for sure.

Anonymous said...

Peter Marlow! From now on I'm emailing my suggestions Andrea, I won't be ridiculed for my fabulous taste in names! Besides, last I checked A Streetcar Named Desire is not "burned" into anyone's brain...except for maybe Peter's for some reason I can't figure out. (BTW, I knew someone would eventually make fun of one of my suggestions...I just assumed it would be Sienna b/c it means shade of brown ;o)

Amanda said...

I second Lisa's choice of Olivia and Benjamin. (Tricia suggested Benjamin too).

I also agree with Peter and, on behalf of his potential niece, say "no" to Stella.

Andrea said...

First to all the Olivia's and Benjamins votes our pastors kids are named olivia and benjamin our youth pastor's name is benjamin and our other friends from church daughter's name is sorry but they are out.

Pete don't worry there will be no stella in the family...but Kate I still love you and your name suggestions:) Also I really like Gavin I think I will talk that one over with Dan.

Mary is a good first name but then she would be Mary Marlow and I don't enjoy the double "M's".

Tricia said...

You could call her by her first and middle name if you used Mary for the first name. That would eliminate the M alliteration. I think it might be leftover from living in the south that I think it's okay to call a girl by her first and middle name all the's pretty common down there. I had a Mary Elizabeth in one of my classes and everyone called her that or M.E. which ended up sounding a lot like Emmy.

I also knew a Mary Grace, Mary Rebecca, and Mary Caroline who were all called by both names. Oh, and a Sarah Beth.

What about:

Caitlin (or one of its many alternate spellings)
Addison (Addy)
Rebecca/Rebekah :)

Boys names are harder for us, with our last name, but you have an easier last name to work with:

William (Will)

Okay, I'm done again.

And Kate, please keep sharing with all of us. :) I like hearing what other people like.

Oh and the angry eye, too funny. I showed Nate and he thought it was pretty funny too. Y'all must have so much fun together. :)

Anonymous said...

See, Amanda gets it. Don't stop writing the suggestions on the blog though! Wasn't meant to be mean spirited.

P.S. I just found out from dad last night that Grandma Gene's middle name is Stella. haha. But he said that's why I never knew since she doesn't like it.

serina said...

For the record, I love the alliteration of Mary Marlow.

So catchy for show business, too, should she decide to be a model and/or indie artist. ;o)

Anonymous said...

The internet is a hard place to convey emotion, I was teasing, my feelings aren't really hurt ;o) Here are some ideas from kids in my clinic:

Shithead (pronouced Shitheed with the th sound like "the")
Wolram (Marlow backwards, this is a popular thing I see a lot)
Loviecyze ("Luvees" accent on the "ee", extra letters optional)
Twins: Male (maaalay) & Female (femaaaalay)

And yes, these are real names.

Amanda said...

Sorry if "Assface" upsets anyone. It's really pronouced "Bob". It's not spelled the way it sounds.

Anonymous said...

I just laughed for like 5 minutes Amanda!!! You are hilarious! When I met poor Shithead all I could think was of his kindergarten teacher trying to call attendance......

Anonymous said...

Crap Bag Marlow....

Anonymous said...

That's pronounced "Bob" I assume Lisa?

Anonymous said...

So now names a famous person has ever had? Hm. Okay, here are some more real suggestions in light of all the recent silly ones.

Boys: Matthew, Isaiah/Isaac, Ethan, Charlie, Asher (give it a chance, it means be happy!), Joseph, Judah, Jeremiah

Girls: Kyra, Chloe, Sierra, Leah, Rachael (i like the weird spelling), Cara, Carly

serina said...

1.) Amanda is a funny gal!

2.) Ellery would have been named Asher if she was a boy.

3.) I really like Tony Bennett Marlow. I think you should un-veto, Dan. ;o)

Anonymous said...

When you get a chance you HAVE to check out this collection of bad baby names (with delightfully wicked commentary): (or search "baby's named a bad bad thing" on google).

I support your choice of any name with the exception of the recently trendy Nevaeh (it's "heaven" spelled backwardzzz OMG!!) or the misspelled version Neveah ("Haeven or Hell?") and for a boy, some weid combo of feats of strength like Hunter-Gatherer or Talon Clawson...

:) It's a scary baby-name world on the internet!

Anonymous said...

Just one more, I love the name Cooper, and I can't use it b/c I hate the allieration with our last name.

Anonymous said...

I have the only name you need, don't even pretend you don't like it, you know you do:
Placido Polanco Marlow!


Anonymous said...

Thomas...Crown Marlow

Tricia said...

I just have to say that you guys have about the best last name to have when picking a name. I mean, with the exception of the whole alliteration thing with the m's, just about everything I try with it sounds good, especially the classic names like Elizabeth or Jonathan.

Hope you are having fun picking. :)

Anonymous said...

whatever it is it has to be somethign Daniel can tattoo on his butt...or lower back

DD said...

You could call the child Mary Mary Marlow if female. You could also call the child Mary Mary Marlow if male. Should you choose this name, for him, be carefull to dress him differently than other children. Also, Never read to him anything even remotely relating to "Quite Contrary" As always, I'm really glad I could help.

Anonymous said...

I dont even know how old this blg is cause i couldnt find a date! But i just wanted to post saying that my name IS Mary Marlow! It was also my grandmothers name! and i've always loved having similar sounding first and last names, although when i was very young, i sometime got carried away and signed my homework papers Mary Mary! but it does usually bring about some cute pet names such as M&M (my favorite candy)! anyway, just letting you know my opinion from someone who has the name youre debating over! also my middle name is Louise, which im not personally fond of, but oh well! you cant win em all!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your blog. You have such fun (and funny) friends. I like the names Parker and William(Will)...can't remember who suggested them. AND...I love the pic of you and Rebecca.