Tuesday, August 29, 2006


...or in the words of Homer,"Oh, my God! Tramampoline! Trambopoline!"

So when my mom called to say her friend was getting rid of her trampoline and did we want it, this is the only thing that came to my mind and I actually shouted to my rather confused mother TRAMBOPOLINE! Which she said what? And Dan was laughing but basically we are getting a free trampoline. I t should be fun. I am worried I might break my ankle...again...but lets throw caution to the wind and say what Homer would say, "Kids, kids: once you get hurt, move aside and let other people jump." Hahaha. I love the simpsons...lets use this blog to remince about our favorite episodes...Here I'll make it easy for everyone...this is a site where it lists all the episodes of every season, plus it gives picture descriptions and quotes:
Anyway the trampoline comes today so everyone is welcome to join in a joyful jump, or in the words of Rodd and Todd:

Todd: Each leap brings us closer to God.
Rod: Catch me, Lord, catch me! (They collide and fall onto the ground). What have we done to make God angry?

HA! It doesn't get better than that!
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serina said...

I can just see you and Dan out there in the evenings after work, unwinding by jumping and sipping martinis. =) So funny, Andrea!

I don't have favorite Simpsons quotes to share because (now I'm whispering) I've rarely, if ever watched the Simpsons. There, I've said it.

Lisa Block said...

Why did you have this while I was there!?! I could have entertained myself all week!

Paul said...

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

"Ralph, Jesus doesn't have wheels."
"It's the shinning boy, do you want to get sued."
"Kent Brockman: Ladies and gentlemen, uh, we've just lost the picture, but what we've seen speaks for itself. The Corvair spacecraft has apparently been taken over, 'conquered' if you will, by a master race of giant space ants. It's difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume the captive Earthmen or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here. And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves."

Those are just a few.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what episode it is, but I like when Ralph says "It smells like burning"...mostly I like when Ralph says anything.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! Forget the Simpson's, you have a trambopoline?!!! I can't wait to jump on it at New Year's...even if it's covered with snow...or something. :o)