Thursday, August 17, 2006

Introducing Rebecca Lynn Bosman!

So one of my oldest friends got married last saturday. It was a beautiful wedding considering I went to it on about 3 hours sleep and full of cold medicine! Rebecca was truely a radiant bride and everything was so beautiful. Her bridesmaid dresses were the same color as mine (plum) so everything at the reception (including napkins) were purple. A dream come true for me. It was such a great wedding. Oh yeah and you know Sparty, the mascot for MSU? Yeah he joined in the festivites. He came to the reception and they played the MSU fight song, which everyone seemed to know except me and Dan:) It was funny. We just stood there like, "um yeah, go MSU!" :) So here are a few pics.

The new bride and me.

Rebecca and David Bosman

The new couple dancing and a better picture of the whole dress.

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Anonymous said...

her dress is like a bell, it's beautiful :o)

Lisa Block said...

Yeah for Rebecca

Sydney T. said...

She is truly beautiful!!!!