Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Canada Pictures

Here's the whole family on a picnic on the way home.

Charlie after a swim in the lake! He hated it:)

Canadian Sunset

The cabin we stayed in...a.k.a. super ghetto

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Anonymous said...

ghetto? it looks fancy to me...if you're used to living in a house that moves. he he...glad you're back in the states!

Amanda said...

I love the picture of the wet Charlie!

Andrea said...

um there was duct tape on the window and screen door..which by the way was the only door in there was no regular door. Dan had to duck to take a shower the celling was so low! On the plus side it was the right height for me:)

Lisa Block said...

The way that cedar tree is tucked up against your little "ghetto" cottage makes me miss my own cabin in Tobernmory.

Anonymous said...

nice pictures! Id like to visit your country. leo from argentina