Thursday, June 08, 2006

Happy Birthday AMANDA!

Hurray for Amanda Sternberg! Today is this lovely girls birthday and so lets celebrate her! (and I guess Mr. And Mrs. Sternberg for succeeding in procreation for a second time) She has blessed my life in so many ways and I am sure you all feel the same:) So I am going to write five reasons she is super cool and everyone else in blogdom can add on....

1. She speaks her mind.

2. She is funny without knowing it sometimes (ie: something stover)

3. She is tall and blond which is evidently a requirement to be one of my friends....(Lisa, Karen, Katie and my newest tall blond friend from church Jen!)

4. She is a wonderful example of how to love the Lord and obey him, she is a true servant.

5. This may sound weird but she is decisive. When there is an issue or a problem she can solve it. She can get people to stop arguing (oh lets say about what kind of pizza we should get) and get them to just decide (so we can eat!)

Anyway, there are about a million more things we all love about her, I am sure. So share your thoughts! It's time to celebrate Amanda Marie Sternberg!

love you Mander:)


Lisa Block said...

6. I love how she is girlie- to the core- but not so girlie you want to puke.
7. I love how she cries at the appropriate times when you are telling a story and your own eyes well up.
8. Amanda says funny things just for pure shock value.
9. Amanda is, and always will be, the perfect roommate in everyway.
10. Amanda is also the perfect travel buddy!
11. I love that Amanda reads so much and has interesting books to talk about.
12. I love how resiliant Amanda is no matter what kind of poop life throws at her!

This is fun....I could go on...Happy Birthday Amanda.

Lisa Block said...

P.S. Andrea, where in the world did you get this picture of Amanda? And what is she doing?!?!?
P.P.S. Good post idea

Andrea said...

The pic is from new years eve at the Piggotts. I think she is putting on chapstick..."My lips hurt real bad!"

Amanda said...

I couldn't have asked for better friends. Thanks guys! I love you!

Anonymous said...

13. she is never afraid to be totally goofy

14. she's a great example to her female friends of how to love who God made you to be and reject the stereotypical garbage the world throws at us.

15. and because it is SO TRUE #9 bears repeating: she is seriously the most perfect roomie ever!

(happy b-day Amanda!)