Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Gardening Continued

Sorry it wouldn't let me post this last pic of my brother it is! Don't forget to look at the post previous to this one!


So basically we spent all Memorial weekend gardening. I guess you might say landscaping our front yard actually. We had these ugly evergreen bushes that I wanted to get rid of so Peter and Dan did it for me. Dan's mom (Dr. Mom) Helped me plant flowers and bushes and such. She was giving me Martha Stewart gardening tips all weekend. Now what I learned is , I in no way like to garden. It is dirty and sweaty and there are bugs and it is gross. I love the way it turned out but I would much rather have someone else do it for me. Dr. Mom says she gardens to relax and I have to say what we did Saturday and Sunday was not relaxing...It was sweaty work! But I am glad there are people who want to do it because then my yard would not have turned out so nice. We also planted a maple tree in our front yard. There is a special story behind this tree. You see when my mom was pregnant with my brother Max we planted a maple tree. Well my parents moved out of that house and Max and I were upset that we couldn't continue to watch the tree grow so I took a part of it and planted it in our yard! I am so excited to watch my tree grow:) Anyway here are some pics of the festivities!

Here is Dan and his brother don't they look handsome in their work boots!

Here is my sexy hubby pouring some ice tea. He worked hard he deserves it:)

this is the left side with some flip flop stepping stones

Here's the right side with the gnome (thanks to Karen for teaching me to spell!)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Housewarming Party

Here are a few pics from our party Saturday. It turned out to be a beautiful day!

Meesch drove all the way from K-zoo!

Here is Jay working on his chalk Detroit Tiger D.

Karen Twirling her hair as usual:)

Heather got me a super sweet kite, frisbee and sidewalk chalk !

This is Peter's Girlfriend Megan. She makes me laugh:)

And last but not least this creepy garden knom (how the heck to you spell that?) Anyway I found it a tad creepy so Heather thought it would be funny to hide it in our bed before she left. Dan and I were in tears...doesn't he kinda look like he is saying, "let's get busy" HA! It was a fun day sorry to those who couldn't be there!