Thursday, February 02, 2006

What you want to accomplish before you die....

I read this posting title on my friend Lisa's blog and I wanted to answer it. Plus I haven't blogged in like months and this gives me something to write about...ok here goes
1. Have a baby girl ( a boy would be fine but I really want to have a daughter:)
2. Become a potter (yes with clay and stuff)
3. Write a book
4. Own a house
5. Travel to Hawaii
6. Go back to Disney World with my husband and recreate our honeymooon
7. Own a piano and learn to play it
8. Own a dog named Gimli
9. Take ice skating lessons

Um it is late so I am sure there are more things I want to do with my life but this is what I can think of write now. I will keep ya'll posted on further endevors:) I will also try to write more! Here's a picture for your viewing pleasure...We went ice skating down town over christmas break and I am pretty flippin good. It looks like I am about to do my triple sow cow doesn't it? Really I was just balancing so I didn't fall. Anyway it was super fun and I want to skate all the time now. I need a pair of my own skates though because the awsome birght blue ones on my feet REALLY hurt. Ok bye for now!


Kate said...

You rock, I'm so excited about your post! I did the list thing, it was fun :o)

serina said...

Y'all should try I'm about to do that myself.

Lisa Block said...

I got so excited to see a new post!!!!