Thursday, September 01, 2005

Loving Dan

So there's this guy that lives with me....Dan. He makes me laugh. Sometimes, when I have a towel wrapped around my head after I get out of the shower, he pretends I am a dinasaur with a bony protrusion coming out of my head and proceeds to head butt me while making this really weird Jurassic Park noise. He does this till I am doubled over, tears pouring out of my eyes. Why I felt the need to tell you this, I do not know. I am just glad with my life mate choice. Hope you are too. Loving Dan, although to you may look hard, is in fact very easy:)


Kate said...

I miss you a lot...I am going to call you as soon as I get my cell phone fixed so I can talk inside my house. I love you!

Kate said...

Guess what? Tom Lackey commented on my blog...weird...:o)