Saturday, October 01, 2005


How awsomely funny is this picture. It was the best one I saw all week. He's got a mit on! What? This is what I imagine the convo was like,

Head baseball guy, "Um yeah, quick question. Do they make baseball gloves for wookies?"

Second in command baseball guy," I don't know, why?"

Head baseball guy, "I wanted to get Chubaka to throw out the first pitch. Do you think we can get him?"

Second in command baseball guy, " Yeah I am sure he is available but we should get Princess Leia too cause she's hot with those cinnabons on her head. I'll check into wookie mits."

My blog is looking pretty empty. I seem to have found ways to fill my time and they do not include blogging. Well I appoligize for all of you who are looking for my very riviting next entry. Well what's new with me...I am volunteering with the middle high youth group at my church. It is way cool because guess what we are doing...SMALL GROUPS!!!!!!!!!! How super cool is that. For those of you who know me, you know that I love small groups. I am very excited to lead this group of 7th and 8th grade girls through a study of Romans. I also have been attending a women's bible study at my church. It is cool cause I am meeting people and I am feeling like our church is more OUR church if you know what I mean. It only took a freaking year to get involved! Well just wanted to keep ya'll (as tricia and nate would say) updated. I have to go to Meijer now. I love Meijer. Dan and I had our first date there. They are doing construction, and moving everything around at our local Meijer and I pretty much hate it. I can't find what I need but at least they have fake wood floors now! What the heck yo. Untill next time...later.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Texas is so much fun. Whoever said it is too hot and there are giant bugs...well is right but all that doesn't matter when you stay with the Hices and have the most fun ever! Although we didn't see the boys except for meals ( they were in the cave of video games..) It was still an excellet time. A percaution though if you are in Texas being spoiled every day and then you come home to you boring life you may become depressed at your current situation. Which I have to say I am. Which brings me to my point. Does anyone know of a freaking job available for me???? I had to start this blog so I wouldn't be bored out of my mind! I applied at a tanning booth place and last time I checked a BA from Western should be qualification enough for me to work there but aparantly they want retarded teenagers that have no work ethic. Sweet, I am so glad it was easier for me to get a job when I was 16 then it is now when I am actually qualified to work with people. What is wrong with this picture? I am trying to be content in my situation of babysitting...but that, though it may seem like it is not my dream job. If you have any ideas of what I could do with my life I welcome them...and don't say, " Why don't you teach?" Because there are no flippin teaching jobs in Michigan. Aparantly I picked the rockinest state to get my certification in. Oh wait I do want to be a Math slash Gym that's my evil oppisite twin Andreeeeeeea Merlo. Anyway thanks for letting me rant. Sorrry if this doesn't make too much sense. Here's a fun pic from the good old lone star state. That's my super cute husband, me and the awesome Kelts'. If any one knows how to write the plural of Kelts could they please tell me. I am having much trouble with it. FIND ME A JOB!!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Loving Dan

So there's this guy that lives with me....Dan. He makes me laugh. Sometimes, when I have a towel wrapped around my head after I get out of the shower, he pretends I am a dinasaur with a bony protrusion coming out of my head and proceeds to head butt me while making this really weird Jurassic Park noise. He does this till I am doubled over, tears pouring out of my eyes. Why I felt the need to tell you this, I do not know. I am just glad with my life mate choice. Hope you are too. Loving Dan, although to you may look hard, is in fact very easy:)

Monday, August 29, 2005


I felt that if Dan had a blog that so should I. I do not promise that I will update it often but I do love to write and maybe this will be a way for me to do it more. I will try not to bore you with the mundane activites of my life like how I had to go to the dentist today and they told me I had 3 cavities and now I have to go back to the dentist and I freaking hate the dentist! Yeah so I will try not to write things like that. Also I love picture so I am going to try to put lots of them on here. Hope you read my blog. Who the heck came up with the name blog anyway?

This was my favorite movie when I was a kid....."The Neverending Story" ATRAU...ATRAU!!!! Anyway lots more fun 80's stuff to come.