Saturday, May 31, 2008


Don't get too excited we are not moving from Essen Dr. I was just thinking about moving my blog to Word Press. I need some feed back though. Check out my new blog on Word Press and tell me if you like that set up better than this one. I think it is pretty cool. You can definitly do more with it. But I am still not sure.

Ok so here it is

So far it is all the same post I just changed some of the "extras." Oh I learned a new word whild creating this new blog...Widget. I didn't even know that word exsisted!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Vanniversary!

Well last weekend Dan and I celebrated 5 years of wedded bliss by purchasing a pre-owned mini van! Woo Hoo! I am in love with this thing! It is not brand new but it is a 2006 which is newer than the car we traded in for it. And our car payment only went up $3. That is amazing to go from a dinky little Kia to this monstrous van for only $3!!!! I am so happy. I can fit so much in it and I am excited to take it on our first vacation to Canada this year. Even though I have to push the seat up as far as it will go to reach the peddles...I don't care....I love the VAN! Oh and if this isn't dorky enough guess what Dan got me as an anniversary present...this. Here's a Jesse picture just cause he is so darn cute!

He's whistling...he sucks in but it's still whistling to me!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Laugh for Kate

First let me set the scene.....

Dan, Jesse and I are in the kitchen. Dan is feeding Jesse and I am making dinner. I have my i-pod on and the two of us are entertaining our child by singing whatever happens to come on next. So this song "The Luckiest" comes on and and Dan and I start to sing along. It is a very pretty love song by Ben Folds Five or just Ben Folds I can't remember....Anyway just as the chorus comes on Dan says inquisitively, "Where this song from?" There is a pause and just before I can get out, "oh its that song from Kate and Andy's wedding video." He says, "Shrek?" I cannot contain my laughter and say, "Yeah Shrek...wait no I mean from Kate and Andy's wedding." I know this may not be funny to most of you who read my blog but I know it will make Katie smile and since she is quite pregnant and uncomfortable right now all she really has is smiles:) Now I am imagining Shrek singing "The Luckiest" and that is a funny image.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mother's Day

Happy baby, happy mama, happy day.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


No not changes in Jesse which are quite a lot but this post is about changes in me. As our 5 year anniversary approaches I find myself thinking about the woman I used to be. That woman wasn't much different than the Andrea of 2008 but I would just like to share a few item that being married to Dan has done to me.

1. I now like mustard. I know it is small but I never touched the stuff before I met Dan and now I find myself putting it on everything!

2. I have been known to say, "Hey why don't you play Zelda?" or "Let's play Super Mario Galaxy." Not the words of a normal girl. Girls are not supposed to enjoy watching their men play video games...and yet I do.

3. I had gone my whole life without seeing the movie Christmas Vacation (you know the one with Chevy Chase) yet when Dan forced me to sit down and watch it I found it to be quite funny and now find my self saying,"I have to eat! So I can take my back pills!"

4. I was always a closet sci-fi/action movie enthusiast but now for our 5 year anniversary I have aggreed to go see the new Indiana Jones movie. This is probally the one day of the year I could get my husband to go see a girly chick flick or romantic comedy but no I'd rather see death and carnige...with Harrison Ford of course. On the same note if you have never seen Logan's Run um it rocks. It's this cheesy 70's sci-fi and it has Farah Faucet in it. It's crazy weird and there is this guy at the end who gives all his cats like 40 names cause he lives all alone in the world and they say "RENEW" a lot. Dan's brought out the nerd in me and I can't put her back!

Well that's all I can think of now. I know they are all kind of mundane but to me having lived my whole life being a mustard free, Christmas vacation hating, closet science fiction dork its seems big to me. Yet I love him still. Although I can't seem to think of many changes I have made on him...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sippy Cups

I think Jesse is ready to start using a cup but I don't know which one to use. We have this one but he can't seem to figure out how to get the water/juice out of it. If I take the valve out he can drink from it but it come out so fast the liquid mostly gets all over him. Anyway I thought all you veteran mom's would have an idea of a good cup for a lazy baby that want to do as little work as possible! Jesse is crawling everywhere and always wants to play/put things in his mouth he shouldn't. I hear this is normal but I feel like a chicken with my head cut off running around after him making sure he doesn't eat screws, gum wrappers, trash in general (from the trash can of course), string, plastic bits, twist ties and the broom. Just to name a few. Help please.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Bet You Didn't Know...

  • Husbands and wives in India who desire children whisper thier wish in the ear of a sacred cow. (p.168)
  • Prince Harry and Prince William are uncircumcised. (p. 10)
  • Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey, not the eagle, to be the U.S. national bird. (p. 17)
  • Ralph Lauren's real name is Ralph Lifshitz. (p. 22)
  • Donald Duck cartoons are banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants. (p. 46)
  • Alma mater means "bountiful mother." (p.75)
  • If you live in Michigan, it is illegal to put a skunk in your boss's desk. (p. 127)

From The Book of Useless Information by Noel Botham