Thursday, March 27, 2008

Missing Jesse

Well it is 1am and I can't sleep. Not sure why I was exhausted at 8pm but now I am wide awake. Jesse is spending the night at Grandma Missy's and I miss him like crazy! I always go in and look at him and give him a kiss before I go to bed and it is really sad when his little crib is so empty. I know I should be "glad for the break" and I get to sleep in tomorrow (not that it matters cause I am up way to late now) but really I like having him around. I miss his little noises and being able to look at him whenever. It's really hard to get to sleep without him here. I feel the same way when Dan is out of town or gets home late. I just can't seem to get to sleep. Anyway I will post pictures later I don't have the new Easter pics on my computer yet. We are going to Gaylord tomorrow! Woo hoo Block family! Well just for fun here is something random that I bet you didn't know about me I like sweet tea...with lots of lemon.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

9 Months Old

Jesse is nine months old today! I can't believe how the time has flown by! And to all those books and people who say things like "Just remember it took nine months to put on all that weight it's going to take at least that long to take it off..." Well they're full of crapola. It has been exactly nine months since my beautiful baby boy was born and I am just as lumpy and chunky as ever...but enough about me and bathing suit woes here are some facts about Jesse the nine month old wonder!

  • He is rolling all over the house which is fun to watch but also translates into him eating the insurance bill the other day because I left the room to use the potty.
  • He can get up into the "crawl" position but has yet to achieve locomotion.
  • He can usually grasp a small puff (cereal type product) with his thumb and pointer and get it successfully in his mouth. Other times it gets caught in his fist and he just shoves his whole fist in and out of his mouth hoping the puff with magically find it's way into his mouth.
  • Jesse likes to repeat actions and sounds. My favorite is this toy we have that sings Ba ba black sheep and when he hears it Jesse sings, "Ba ba ba ba...." so cute
  • He has just started to "miss" me when I leave a room or the house to go somewhere. This is hard but on the up side he also gets very excited when I come back. Big smiles and arms out to let me know he wants me to hold him. Maybe someday when I have like 40 kids and they are all like "mom mom mom mom" I will not enjoy this but now it is pretty much my favorite thing.

I am sure there is a bunch more but I hear him waking up now so I have to go. Happy 9 months Jesse!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Cutie Pants

Things to Post About When I have More Time

  • My short lived love affair with Starbucks Chai Latte
  • Why I like to watch Dan play Zelda and other such ways my husband has changed me
  • How Jesse is growing and changing
  • Does the teething/cold cycle ever end
  • Why does everyone think texting is so awesome and when will they stop

That's all I can think of right now...but since i know a lot of you go to my blog specifically to see a new picture of Jesse (it's ok I understand he is more interesting than me) here ya go!

Eating a cracker