Friday, January 25, 2008


Just wanted to share this cute picture of my babe. I love to watch him sleep.

Monkey Baby

We have had this monkey snow suit for a while but I haven't put Jesse in it yet. So the other day we decided to try it out. Again I have to say a full night of entertainment just from a simple snow suit! Babies can be so fun sometimes. The only problem...we can't get him in the car seat with the snow suit on! I am not sure how or where he can wear it. Well never the less (is that one word?) it was a very entertaining. We also had to go to Childrens Hospital for a follow up visit about his kidney and everything was great! I am so relieved. They said to come back in 3 years to have another look but everything looks good. I wasn't really worried about it since he is such a healthy happy baby but when the doctors appointment got closer I was getting quite anxious. I am just happy nothing is wrong. Basically for those of you who don't know, Jesse has one kidney that is perfectly healthly and the other one didn't develop properly in the womb. But you only need one kidney so he is good:) That's all for now!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Purple is the best color I have proof.

This is the awesomest site ever! If you ever want to buy me something go here and pick's all purple and I will love it all! Just wanted to share the good news with you all.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Jesse Growing

Had to get rid of this element on my blog because it kept smooshing my pictures. They look aweful! Can anyone help? I really need to move to wordpress or something. Here is the picture I wanted to put there it is of Jesse at his 6 month photo shoot. Cute ain't he!

Christmas not so much Break

I don't think we were home at all over Christmas break except for Christmas Day! It was a crazy week. We had 10 people here for Christmas day dinner then the 26th we left for Gaylord to see Sydney the cutest little girl this side of the Mackinac Bridge. Then we came home did laundry and went to The Piggotts for New years eve and the next day went to Dan's grandparents house for Christmas with the extended family. I did not get any pictures of the last two events which super sucks. Kate and Andy were in town and I have no photographic evidence! Oh but i did take an awesome video with our new video camera (from Dan's parents) so I will have to look at that later. My favorite Christmas gift...well Dan did fabulous this year so I loved everything he gave me:
-a pink razor phone
-a dirt devil Cone
-Stardust (the movie)
I got a lot of other things but I think the stuff Dan got me was my favorite. What was your favorite gift? Here are some photos for you to enjoy!
Jesse on Christmas Morning
Me with my new giant stocking Dan's mom made for me. She did the gauge wrong or something!
Jesse wearing one of Sydney's hats.

Home at last relaxing in mom & dad's bed!