Sunday, November 05, 2006

Name Contest

Here is the picture of us girls that Lisa wanted me to post of Amada's "angry" eye:) Not sure what she is doing the rest of us were pretending to be sad but Amanda the rebel that she is (she does have 2 tatoo's) decided to go angry. She makes me smile

Anyway.... Back to the real reason I am writing...
So a lot of people have been asking us if we have any names that we like for the baby. We haven't really thought about too much yet. There are maybe 2 or 3 that aren't bad but we thought it would be fun to get your opinion. So this is a baby name contest. There is no guaranty that we will pick a name from this list because ultimately we have the last say but I have to start somewhere. So here are the rules..

1. If you are posting a girl name it has to go with the middle name Mary. (I am fond of it considering it is my middle name my mother's name and my grandmother's name)

2. No names that start with "M". I will not have a Mable or Mike Marlow. Too much alliteration.

3. Do not post a name that you want to name your child. What if we like it? Then you'll have to ask us not to use it and then we won't because we love it.

Other than that you can give first or middle names for boys or girls. I was going to buy a baby book or look online but this seemed more fun....Thanks to Lisa for the idea!

Oh yeah the winner gets bragging rights that they helped name the baby:)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Smallest Marlow...and it's not me!

Here is the very first picture of our baby! It was so exciting to see and hear his/her heart beat today. I got all teary eyed:) They say from the size of the baby I am about 8 1/2 weeks along and my new and improved due date is June 11. Which the nurse lady could change again. Apparently not a very accurate science determining when babies are going to be born. I don't care as long as it comes! I am very excited and so is Dan. I will continue to update you all. The baby is between the dotted
line in case like Rachel on Friends you can't see it:) Enjoy!