Well for those of you who haven't heard the Marlow's are pregnant! This was confirmed by 2 doctors and 4 home pregnancy test's. We just wanted to be sure ok. I am feeling good but tired. No morning sickness which I am very happy about. I am really hungry all the time, but that's about it. I don't really feel pregnant. I am having trouble focusing on anything but me and the baby which isn't very helpful considering I forgot my friends anniversary and a commitment I had with the youth group all in the same week! Oh well they understood. Apperntly you are allowed to be forgetful when you are carring a child. I have noticed that you get away with a lot when you are pregnant. I am trying my best not to take too much advantage to this perk. So due dates and what not....well I saw my doctor on thursday and she said May 25 was the lucky day but she also said it will probally change becasue my cycles have been off the past couple of months. She said to schedule an ultrasound in the next 2-3 weeks to give her a better idea how far along I am. By the way I will be giving birth in a hospital and a I will be taking drugs if I feel the need. I know some of you blogger people out there have strong feelings about these things but I want you all to know that Dan and I are ok with our decision and I don't want any grief about it. But I would like some info on what all you mothers out there think about finding out the sex of the baby before he/she is born. I always thought I would find out but then I was talking to a friend and she was like it only the best present you ever get and you're going to ruin it! Did any of you feel that way? Ok well that is all I will post more news as it comes in....or at least I will try to! Please pray that the baby is ok through these first few months. BYE!