Monday, July 17, 2006

The Lost Pictures

Ok so I figured out how to post my pictures again but this is a first attempt. Next time I will try to put the text with pictures instead of 20 posts there should be only one in the future...enjoy them:)

Karen modeling her graduation cake.

Twinsy's Karen and Amanda bought the same bathing suit:)

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Woo hoo I figured out how to put more than one pic! This one is Dan with his mackinac bridge hat on...HOT!

This is our late night trip to Glenn's (think Kroger only cooler) Karen almost fits!

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The Gang. We are waiting for the fire works to start.
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The Marlow Clan+Megan which we hope someday will be a Marlow!
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This is Caleb's new Bride Robin...She's Silly, we like her:)
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Sunday, July 16, 2006


Well I haven't posted in a long while so this will be a bullet list because a lot has happened...We have been out of town to parties ect. So Here has been what's up with us.

  • We went to Caleb and Robin's wedding in Massachusetts. It was fun but short. Oh yes and the funniest part of the wedding to us was when Peter (who was a groomsman) was introduced as Peter Merlowe! Caleb did it on purpose because of our crapy DJ who couldn't pronouce our name right all evening!
  • We spent 4 days at home after the wedding but nothing happened except I did a bunch of laundry so I could pack for our next jaunt.
  • Then we were off to Peter's Graduation. Woo Hoo our new WMU grad. He then promtly moved to New York City to start his new high profile job at an Ad agency in Times Square!
  • We left Kalamazoo and drove strait up to Gaylord for our annual 4th of July trip with Lisa, Paul, Karen, Jay and Amanda. We had so much fun I just love that we have this tradition! We went to fire works 2 different nights and yes we ate even though we weren't hungry!
  • We got home from Gaylord on Wednesday evening, then on Friday we went to see the new pirate movie. It was good but I didn't enjoy the ending because you have to wait for another movie. Oh well.
  • Saturday was Dr. Karen Piggotts graduation party. It was so fun! It was at the Piggotts Sr. house which has a pool which is my favorite place to be! Congrats to Karen!
  • This past week I have been spending most of my time with Heather. We have been to the coolest pool ever twice. The Grosse Pointe community pool. I want to live at this pool. It is GINORMOUS! It has a separate pool just for diving boards, plus a water slide, plus I just love it. We went there yesterday though with one of my youth group girls and her friend and I am pretty sure we all got a bit of a sun burn. Mostly me:( Oh well it was worth it...I LOVE THE POOL!
  • We leave next week for Canada. Family vacation with Dan's fam. Should be a good time I will post pics when we get back.
  • I am in the process of trying to start a webpage so you all can see the awesome videos I film from my camera...I mean they are "shorts" but they are butt funny:)
  • Something is wrong with blogger's picture posting option thingy. That is why there are no pics to this post. Which I am very upset about because I hate posting without pics. If anyone want to help me out with this problem I would be most grateful. I have been waiting to post this entry for almost a week so I could wait for the pictures but stupid blogger won't let me add them to the entry! ARG!

Ok that is what is up with me. Busy summer! Oh yeah the title of this post refers to Amanda talking about Lisa's mosquito bites.....She had a lot of them and they were hot....HOT BITES!